Chapter 13:The Breakout

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There were a serious of bangs, and yelling from outside the cell. I opened my eyes to see Derelli opening the door to the cell. 

"Derelli, what's going on?" I asked as he rushed into the cell and grabbed my arm. He didn't answer me. "Derelli!" I yelled. When he pulled out I saw Ian and, to my surprise, Gomez standing there. They looked like they had been in a hurricane. "What's going on?" I demanded, "And what's he doing here?"

I yelled, "He attacked me!"  Derelli started pulling me again.

"We'll talk about this later." Ian said from in front of me. Unlike they had probably expected me too, I put two and two together.

"Are you breaking me out?" I yelled, again no one answered me. "I don't want to be broken out! I want to stay here!"

"Look around Summer, if you stay here you'll die!" Ian yelled from over the noise. For the first time I looked around.

There were about thirty guards, and there was maybe fifty or so others. The others, from what I could tell, were stronger than the guards. Their eyes were bloodshot and wild, and their fangs were out. The two groups were fighting, and it was clear, from the amount of mangled bodies, that the guards were loosing. 

Derelli pulled me out the door and into the sunlight. The light beat down and me, giving my body a wonderful warmth.  Derelli pushed me into the back of a van and got in the back with me. Ian and Gomez talked for a brief second, and Ian got in back with us. As soon as Ian was in, the van was in motion. 

"Whose driving? Where are we going? What's going on back there?" I asked all in one breathe.

" Carter and Gomez are in the front," it was Ian that answered me, 'As for our future location, we're unsure. We aren't sure how many of them there are, our where they are."  I sighed. It was nice being out of the cell, but the circumstances made it a lot less enjoyable.

There were so many bodies back there. So many guards that had dedicated their lives to making sure Vampires and humans alike were safe, and this is how they got re-payed? Sure I didn't like a lot of them cause they thought they were better than everyone else, but there were some that I did like. Some of them were nice to me, it might have been because they found me charming, they felt bad for me, or they genuinely liked me. Lori was one of them.

"Where's Lori?" I asked, looking up at the men. They looked at each other for a brief second. 

"She was one of the first that they got too," the way Ian sounded you could tell that this upset him, "I'm sorry." 

Lori was gone? One of the only Vampires that had faith in me was...dead? She was so nice, and pretty and caring. It wasn't fair. Why had they wasted their breath saving me when they could have saved someone that deserved being saved. After all, I was the prisoner. 

"Who are those people anyway?" I asked, setting my head against the van wall. 

"They're Hybrids," Ian said. 

"Hybrids?" I asked, Derelli nodded his head.

"They're Vampire Werewolf mixes," Derelli said, "They have both the strength of vampire and werewolf's, and they feed off of the blood of humans. But they also have the shape shifting abilities that Werewolf's have." That had to be the craziest thing that I had ever heard. Everyone knew that Vampires couldn't naturally reproduce, let alone with Werewolf's. 

"So are you saying that someone, somehow, managed to mix the worlds two most feared creature and create this Hybrid thing?" I asked. They nodded. "What do they want anyway?" Derelli and Ian looked at each other. Ian shook his head.

"Not now Derelli," he said, his voice stern, "This is not a good time." Derelli reached into his pocket and pulled something out. 

"One of the Hybrids was holding this," He stretched it out the object, and envelop, towards me.

"What is this?" I asked. He just told me to opened it. Inside was a picture of a small girl with golden brown eyes and a large smile. It was me. My eyes got wide and started to tear up. How had someone gotten a hold of this picture? I let the picture fall from my hand and as I did something caught my eye.

Something was written on the back. The note read, I'm back.  But it wasn't the note that shocked me, it was the signature. It was signed J.J.V.

Joshua Jeremiah Vera.

My brother.  

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