Chapter 13 (Edited)

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After several days, they finally reached the very edge of the mountain range and began their ascent, going up narrow trails. As the day edged closer to its end, they reached a small plateau, a break in the steep ascent. The group pleaded with Jesika to stop for a rest. At first, she argued against it, but then to their surprise, she gave in. They now sat in a circle, talking over their plans.

"Rowan, you've got the map of the mountains, right?" Jesika asked. 

Rowan nodded, reaching into his bag. He laid out the map on the ground in the center of the small circle they had formed. 

Rowan pointed at a point on the map. "Right there is the peak of the mountain ranges. That's where Aethelinda stays." 

Jesika nodded. "And how do we get there?" she asked. 

Rowan showed her a trail on the map, full of even more narrow trails and steep cliff sides. It wasn't a trip for the faint of heart.

"There's some points we'll practically be hugging the mountainside," Rowan said, looking up at her. 

Jesika winced. "Any good news?" she asked. 

He shrugged. "There's several small plateaus like this along the way that we can stop to take breaks on." 

She nodded yet again. "Alright. Stop for the day? We need water and food. I don't know about you, but I'm running low on food now." 

Darryn piped in: "Yeah, Rocky needs some water too. Why don't we split up?" 

Darryn then gave Aquila a sharp jab with his elbow. Aquila caught his drift; they had talked with Rowan about trying to get him a chance to apologize to Jesika. She had been civil with Rowan when she had to talk to him, but otherwise had avoided him like the plague.

"Yeah, I'll go with Darryn to get water, you two can go hunting. Be careful of wild beasts," Aquila dutifully said.

Rowan nodded, looking at Jesika. "Sounds good to me. Your Majesty?" 

Jesika shrugged like she didn't care, but the slight annoyance in her expression showed her disdain at the idea. 

"Darryn, take Kronos with you so he can get some water," Rowan said. 

Darryn frowned. "But then you won't have a beast to protect you." 

Jesika shrugged. "We'll be fine, it won't be a long trip and it's broad daylight," she said. 

Darryn sighed reluctantly, acquiescing.

Rowan stood and Jesika stood with them. The four split up, Jesika and Rowan going back into the flatland forest. They started walking and Jesika took her bow out, holding it to her side. Rowan grabbed his own, then sidled up next to her. They walked in mostly silence for a while, pausing once in a while when they thought they heard something.

Finally, Rowan got up the courage and stopped her, a hand on her arm. 

Jesika turned to him, raising one brow. "Can I help you?" 

Rowan removed his hand. "You don't seem like the type to listen to or accept apologies." 

Jesika scowled. "You would be correct with this assumption," she agreed dryly. 

Rowan shrugged. "Nevertheless, I feel the need to apologize for what I said to you." 

She tilted her head, her scowl easing up just the slightest bit. "You don't seem like the type to apologize, Mr. Rowan," she said, her voice holding just the slightest hint of amusement. 

Rowan took that slight hint in strides. He grinned, nodding. "You would also be correct with that assumption." 

A slight grin tugged at her lips, but she fought it. 

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