Chapter 11- Things Happen for a Reason

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Knock knock. Who was at my house at ten o'clock on a Sunday morning? I was lying in bed with Ryder watching cartoons, and I really didn't want to get up. "Ugh!" I groaned and pulled the warm blankets off of me. "Stay there, Ry. Mommy will be right back." He just grinned.

I peered through the blinds, and saw Taylor's car. When I pulled the door open, she didn't hesitate to come inside with bags full of god knows what. "Um.. Hey?" I said.

"Morning!" She replied, chirpy as always. I wish I had her energy this early in the morning.

"What's in the bags?" I said, glancing down the hallway when I heard Ryder laughing from the television show.

"Well I was bored yesterday, and since you ditched me to go to a photo shoot with your boyfriend, I went shopping for Ryder."

It didn't look like clothes in the bags to me. "He's got enough stuff..."

"Nothing for his birthday party though!" Taylor began pulling out plates and napkins from the bags.

Ugh. Ryder's birthday was this coming Saturday. I didn't have anything planned for him even though he was turning one. Before I could reply to my best friend, I saw Zayn walking onto the front porch. I let him in.

"Good morning, love." He kissed my cheek, and my face flooded red. I hadn't even brushed my hair out this morning. I looked like the walking dead.

I turned back to Taylor as Zayn went to find Ryder as if that was his own son. He was definitely a better father figure then Chase would've been.

"I don't even know anyone that would come. What do I need to do? Invite kids from his daycare? People from work? A week isn't very fair notice."

"We'll have it here... and yeah invite people from daycare and work. It'll be fun. Leave all the planning to me!" She squealed and then said she had to go order a cake. Oh goodness.

I walked down the hall to my bedroom and found Ryder beside Zayn, still laughing at the same cartoon. Zayn was smiling too. He saw me and motioned for me to lie beside him.

He acted like this was his house. I giggled and he looked at me like he was concerned, but then slid over and made room for me to lie beside him.

"So I have to throw a party on Saturday." I complained to Zayn.

"I heard... your friend is quite loud." He laced his fingers through mine. "It'll be fine, Ellie. We'll have a blast."

"Wait." I said with the most serious tone I could manage. "Who said you were invited?"

He looked hurt. "Just kidding, Zayn."

"Oh.." he mumbled and then kissed my forehead. I laughed once more and put my head on his shoulder, enjoying my Sunday in bed with my two favorite people.

Another week of work done. Another week of living in this country that was slowly becoming familiar. And now it was Saturday morning.

I woke up extra early to start cleaning the house and get ready for Taylor to come over and begin setting everything up.

"Happy birthday Ryder!" I greeted him as soon as I heard him up and talking to himself. "You're officially one." He started clapping. If he thought anything was somewhat exciting, he was going to clap.

We ate breakfast and I was getting dressed when Taylor pulled into the driveway. I had given up on her, and just given her a key. Why not? She practically lived here.

"Happy birthday my favorite nephew!" She cooed at him.

"Your only nephew." I laughed. "You have no other options for favorites."

She ignored me and from my room, I could hear the rustling of bags. Let this party begin.

As soon I was ready, I put Ryder in the bath and got him dressed. When I walked into the kitchen, Taylor wasn't there. I looked outside, and saw her tying balloons to my mailbox. And then I saw Zayn come out of his house to head this way.

I was sitting on the couch when they walked inside. Zayn sat down beside me and Taylor rolled her eyes. I swear she mumbled "puppy love" under her breath.

She finally finished decorating and came to sit with us in the living room. Ryder crawled over to her, and she scooped him up. "I remember what I was doing exactly a year ago..." she said.

"Yeah me too." I mumbled. "You were causing me a lot of pain, little man." Knowing him, he just laughed. And so did Taylor and Zayn.

"I invited the boys. I hope that's okay." My boyfriend said.

I glanced towards Taylor. "I have no idea who's coming and who's not... That was up to her."

And as if on cue, there was a knock on my door. Zayn got up to answer it, and in came Liam, Harry, Niall, and Louis. "Hey guys." I said, smiling.

"Hey, Ellie!" They said practically at the same time. They all had wrapped presents in their hands, but when they saw Ryder sitting with Taylor, they put the boxes down and tackled him. I think Liam ended up with him. I couldn't tell as I walked into the kitchen with the presents.

Ryder was soaking up every second of the spotlight. He loved being the center of attention, and I guess that's something else he got from his dad.

"Time for cake!" Taylor screamed, carrying in a tiny cake that Ryder would be able to "play" with.

During the normally dull sounding singing of "happy birthday", five perfect voices didn't go unnoticed. People didn't know who I was dating, but now I'm sure the other parents would have something to gossip about.

After Ryder opened at least a million presents, I had to excuse myself. I needed fresh air. Seeing Ryder sitting in the floor opening gifts, made me think...

Tomorrow would be exactly a year since Chase had died. What tore my nerves up the most was knowing that Ryder didn't know he was. He hadn't even said the word "daddy" yet.

I was almost in tears, when I heard the front door open, and Zayn step out into the cool afternoon air with me. He didn't even have to ask me what was wrong... he knew. And thank goodness, because I couldn't talk.

He sat down on the swing beside me and hugged me. I stayed there for a good few minutes. The tears slowly stopped, and then I kept noticing the same car go down the road.

When Zayn thought I was going to live, he excused himself, saying he'd be back.

Finally the suspicious car, stopped and turned into Zayn's driveway. I didn't know who it was, but the girl that got out had bleach blonde hair, that almost looked fake.

I watched her try to open his front door and when she realized that she couldn't, she stormed down the sidewalk. I didn't know I was staring until her heels clanked into my driveway. Crap. Now I know who she was.

"Are you Ellie?" Perrie's high pitched British accent said.

"Are you the charity case that Zayn's supposedly with?"

I ignored th charity case comment. "Sweetie, I don't know why you said supposedly. He's my boyfriend."

She smirked and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because that's why Zayn invited me over to his house today."

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