Why were girls always desperate for a boyfriend? Like how come they insisted that they needed one to live? Well me… I was perfectly fine alone.
Even thought Zayn admitted he loved me live on the radio, I had my doubts. He was the biggest celebrity in the world. His plan obviously insisted on making me the bad guy. His fans would feel sorry for him and then hunt me down. And I was right.
Once people found out who Zayn was talking about, the twitter messages came pouring in and the amount of people that took my picture while I walked into work in the morning was ridiculous. Thank god Taylor was my boss- I knew anyone else would have already fired me for dragging their business into the spotlight like this.
“I can’t do this!” I whined, walking into my office. I had somehow managed to dig my way through about thirty people asking me questions. “How do you know Zayn? Did you ever date? How long have you known him?”
It was my life. They didn’t need to know crap.
“Can’t do what?” Taylor said, greeting me with a cup of coffee.
I sighed. “Deal with those idiots outside.” I pointed out the window at the people who got paid to take pictures unprofessionally.
“Then get back with Zayn!” She paused for a second. “I-I mean they’ll still follow you around. But at least his fans would be a little nicer to you.”
“I didn’t do anything to him in the first place! They shouldn’t be mad!” I screamed. My office door was wide open, and I could see my co-workers staring.
“But he’s Zayn Malik. They’re going to automatically assume you did something if you two aren’t a couple. Just get back together.”
“Back together? I don’t think dating for a week counts as ‘being together’.”
It was unlike me to be mean to Taylor. I just couldn’t take it. It was not her decision if I gave Zayn another chance or not.
“Ya know what, Taylor? I’m taking the day off. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Grabbing my phone and purse, I left her standing in the middle of my office.
“Don’t you have better things to do?” I yelled at one guy who was asking me once again how long I had dated Zayn. “I mean do you really need pictures of a girl who got caught up in some stupid mistake?” That silenced them.
The nursery workers were surprised to see me back to get Ryder at nine in the morning, but I told them I took the day off and I wanted to spend it with Ryder. One of the young workers smiled at me. I think her name was Kristin.
“I have a small son myself, and you just seem so pro at it. I don’t know how you do it… like how you obviously have an amazing job and have raised a wonderful little boy. It literally amazes me.”
It wasn’t every day that people told me things like this. I couldn’t help but hug her. “Thank you so much. It really means a lot right now.” She nodded and I left to get my son.
Ryder came trotting around the corner when I opened the door. His usual happiness made my day a little better. “What do you say we go to the park for a picnic today, little monkey?” He grinned.
I waved bye to Kristin on the way out and was thankful to see the sun shining when I pulled out of the parking lot.
We stopped at home and packed a picnic and changed clothes, then off to the park we went. It was about eleven when we got there and Ryder was ready to eat. I could tell he was getting sleepy, but he was one now and his little mind was always wondering.
“Wanna go swing?” I asked as if he knew what that was. He clapped and I carried him to the swings.
The motion of the swings going back and forth must’ve taken his stomach away, because every time Ryder would come back to me, he laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. When it slowed down, I saw his eyes getting heavy, but then as if something had suddenly struck him, he was wide awake and grinning.
He wasn’t smiling at me though. He was grinning, and now waving at someone behind me. I cringed when I turned around.
A familiar dark skinned, dark haired boy was walking towards us. “Hey Ellie.” Zayn said.
“Hi.” I mumbled, pulling Ryder out of the swing. I headed over to get our stuff ready to leave, but Zayn followed me.
Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, pulling me to a stop. “Can we just talk?”
I glared at him. “Talk about what?”
“Your supposedly ‘stupid mistake’… Our relationship.”
My eyes filled with tears. I wish I could just believe him. I wish things could just go back to the way they were a week ago… When I didn’t have to question his every move.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Zayn.”
“And why do you say that, Ellie? You haven’t even given me a chance.”
“I don’t need to give you a chance.”
“Why not?”
I pointed across the park at the waving bleach blonde girl. She was grinning as if she knew she had just caused me a bunch of pain. “There’s your answer Zayn. There’s your answer.”

This Isn't Happening
FanfictionPart 1 to the story of Ellie and her son Ryder and their adventures to the United Kingdom, where a certain boyband member just happens to be their neighbor. Follow Ellie and Ryder as they adjust to a new life in a foreign country where their only fr...