Don't waste your time

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The breeze was nice today, it was the first official day of summer. Akari was on patrol with her partner, who she rather liked. He was quick with action and never stalled when in need, his name was Shiro Honda his quirk was shadow manipulation. They were in the city of Aidachi, usually it was quiet but recently there was reports of some suspicious crime, so they were sent to scout. Akari stood next to her partner as they took in the scenery, she felt on edge especially the last couple of days and she especially felt frustrated.

"Yo Polar what up with you?" Akari looked over at her partner, she sighed "I'm just frustrated"

"Frustrated, I thought you had a boyfriend to help you with that stuff huh?" Shiro nudged the girl winking at her, Akari blushed and gave a small shove "Shut up he isn't my boyfriend"

"What? That kid you been seeing isn't your boyfriend?" Shiro was taken back by this. They paused at a crosswalk and the girl shrugged "He hasn't asked, it's not a big deal we're just going on dates is all"

"And a little extra too huh?" Once again, the man nudged his partner this time she shot him a glare at him through her glasses "No extra loving?"

"See that's the frustrating part... I try. Like I really try. I'm not saying I need sex, but at least give me a little something! Like even when he does try it's not great... Or he just leaves. Maybe something is wrong with me" They began to walk once again, now on the other side they began to head towards Nishiarai Daishi Sojiji shrine the crowd thickening as they make their way. Shiro scratched his neck and tried to give her some encouraging words when they heard screaming. Both looked at one another nodding and ran towards commotion.

"FUCKING CHARGEBOLT HURRY UP!" Bakugou yelled to his partner as he shot an explosion at the villain, he was currently trying to hold up a car that had trapped civilians "Move now!" Bakugou looked over to see the people had gotten out safe and quickly blasted over and grabbed them leaping into the air just as electricity hit the ground and the villain.

Setting them down Bakugou turned to see the villain still standing "Shit" he whispered and raced over to it "EVERYONE GET BACK!" People screamed trying to push one another out of the way, the villain made it's way over to Kamanari who continued to shoot large amount of charge bolts at him.

Bakugou ran past his partner as another went past his head "YOU READY TO FUCKING DIE?!" with ease Bakugou set the explosions so he was spinning like a tornado, the villain grabbed a large piece of rubble and threw it but Bakugou landed a direct hit in the chest and shot off another explosion in the guy's face knocking him out. Bakugou grinned as the villain was unconscious, he turned to see Kamanari in dunce mode.

He groaned as he also saw the boulder the villain pick up heading in his partners way "fuck" as he was about to move when Kamanari got up and moved away evading the boulder "Phew, that was close" Bakugou turned towards the voice to see a man dressed in black and a cape stand in the shadows.

"Who the fuck are you?" he barked as the guy sweat dropped "names Shadow, the dark hero or whatever anyway listen my partner she's on the other side trying to get some civilians out but I think there might be another villain around the guy that was in my area did a lot worse so I was scouting around when I saw what was going on here"

"Get to the point shit head" Bakugou yelled as he tied the villain up dragging him over to Shiro "Well since your partner is brain dead at the moment, mind going there to see-" Suddenly a ruckus could be heard making the heroes turn in the direction it came from.

"Shit" Shiro cursed as the noise came in the direction that Akari was in, before he could react Bakugou was already heading in the direction "Look out for dunce head there!"

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