Train ride

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Akari yawned as she sat on the train on her way home, she looked down at her phone as she swayed slightly from the motion of the train. She heard a ping and glanced up at the red neon lettering that went across the board at the doors, reading it she saw she was about to enter her stop. The train came to screeching halt and the doors opened, Akari along with all the other passengers scurried off the train like ants, she walked over to the key pass and swiped it as the doors opened allowing her to pass through. She was down the long corridor the are filled with the sound of people speaking to one another and the conductor announcing the trains arrival. Akari looked around and found the stairs to the exit, she walked up them hurriedly happy to be away from the rush hour crowd. Akari took a deep breath of fresh air, she felt her phone vibrate and saw it was a text from Amajiki. Smiling she quickly responded to the text and placed it away.

"Oi! Shit for brains!" Akari paused and turned around to the voice giving a half smile "Oh Sparky, what do I owe this beautiful encounter!"

"Tch I live in this area too idiot, also racoon eyes invited me over" Bakugou stated nonchalantly as he walked beside Akari.

They walked together pausing at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change "Oh okay, did you just get off work?" the light changed and they followed in with the crowd, as they squeezed through the crowd Bakugou made sure to keep one eye on her at all times.

"Yeah sort of, I had to take care of a few things. You?" they reached the other side and continued on their way to her apartment "Yup" she emphasized the 'P' "Just got done with a rescue mission, hence this little sucker here"

Akari rolled up her sleeve showing off the bandage, Bakugou examined it "What the fuck is wrong with you? How did you get that?" he asked sticking his hands in his pockets.

She shrugged unconcerned "Person got freaked out and I calmed them down but the rubble hit me pretty hard because it took a lot of time trying to convince them to come out"

"Why wouldn't you use your quirk asshole?" he questioned, Akari gave him a side eye and smiled softly as she couldn't help but see the look of concern on his face "Oh, do you care?"

Bakugou scoffed "Like fuck I care, I just know that freaking pink haired freak would be a wreck and annoying as fuck to deal with so I rather you not die. Now answer the fucking question Coconut head" she laughed slightly and held up her hands in defeat.

"Alright, I try not to use my quirk as much. I know stupid"

"Yeah it really is fucking stupid, why the fuck not?" the ash blonde butted in before she could finish earning an eyeroll, Akari noticed a 7/11 and walked in to grab a few items too which Bakugou followed right behind her "Well, for starters I also gain whatever they feel. So if they feel scared I feel that too, so when I go into these I feel every emotion they feel and sometimes it's hard to control. I usually like to make sure that they feel a little bit more stable before I shut down the emotion they are feeling and turn them" Akari chuckled as she passed some sandwiches.

She pointed at them and Bakugou grabbed one throwing it into the basket along with the other things she had selected "So you're saying you feel what they feel... Shit I didn't know that"

She shrugged as she examined some fruit before placing it back on the shelf "Why would you? You never asked"

Bakugou rubbed his neck feeling slightly embarrassed at the statement, Akari noticed and reassured him "Dude, come on. We were in middle school; I barely understand your quirk except you make things go boom. AKA Sparky Sparky boom boom"

At this Bakugou let out a small laugh "Tch my quirk is that I can make nitroglycerin like sweat in my palms and ignite them at will and create an explosion, the only downside if it continues to explode, I get a recoil. It's more manageable now but still hurts like hell" Akari nodded as she listened, she pulled from the shelf a ramen soup glancing at Bakugou who gave her a 'are you serious look?' grabbing it from her hands he shoved it back and grabbed a different one throwing it into the basket.

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