Are you Cold?

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Akari sat on the train, thankful it wasn't too crowded, she glanced out the window and watched the sun just setting around the city. She smiled; this was something she missed when she was in America. She loved sitting on the train wrapped in her own thoughts as she peered through the window and took in the landscape of Japan. You could do it in America, but it wasn't as pretty and defiantly not as clean either. Akari sighed as she felt her phone buzz, she pulled it out to see Bakugou had sent her a message.

Bakugou- The fuck you doing later?

Akari rolled her eyes at the message, he was so kind with words.

Akari-Hello to you too Kit Kat, nothing I'm just heading home now. Why?

A message from Ashido popped up on her screen.

Ashido- Come over later! Gonna have the guys over and hang out!

She quickly replied with a hell yea. Her phone pinged again; it was a message from Bakugou.

Bakugou- Kirishima is making me go to Ashido's, so if I'm going you are too

Akari couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and quickly texted back

Akari- No can do, got plans to rob a bank.

She smiled to herself wondering what the hot head would reply with, then another popped up on her screen to see it was Amajiki.

Amajiki- Sorry, was super busy today. What are you up to?

Akari- Just robbing a bank, no big deal. Want to help?

The train came to a stop and Akari hopped off along with the other passengers. She pressed her passmo card against the scanner and it turned green allowing her to move past the gate. She quickly made her way out of the train station taking two steps at a time. Once out the breeze felt nice against her skin, her phone buzzed in her hand and she glanced down to see two messages. She swiped up to view them.

Amajiki- What!?

Akari- I'm only kidding lol, I just got off the train heading back to the apartment. If you want, you can stop by Mina's place.

Akari sighed a little and laughed as she realized Amajiki is so anxious he probably really thought she would do that, glancing down at her phone she saw it was Bakugou

Bakugou- Idiot, what the hell?

Akari rolled her eyes Guess no one knows humor. *Ping*

Bakugou-Turn around ass wipe

Akari turned to see Bakugou walking up to her "Sup Sparky?"

"What the hell makes you think you can rob a bank?" Akari rolled her eyes, but Bakugou continued "You would suck at robbing a bank, if you're gonna do it at least bring me Coconut head"

"Oh, you don't think I can do it. I'm very persuasive" the girl pointed out as they began to walk to her apartment, for some reason she felt giddy. The two went back and forth about who would be a better robber. When they arrived to Ashido's room they were still talking about who would be a better robber.

"Bakugou, you would suck at robbing a bank! They would catch us because your sorry ass would be freaking blowing EVERYTHING UP including the money! Then your ego would try and stay and fight the cops!" Akari accused Bakugou as she set her things down, opening the fridge she placed the beer and sake she picked up for Ashido while grabbing two seltzers for her and Bakugou. Tossing it over to Bakugou he caught it would ease, the two leaned against the table oblivious to the others around them. Kirishima, Kamanari and Sero sat on the couch playing Mario kart as Ashido sat next to them cheering.

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