23: Abandoned Yet Again

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"This is my secretary, don't mind her. She's only cleaning the office. Same confidentiality applies." Melon comforted the elephant in his office. "Now, now, just drink some coffee and relax."

"Oh! This is an elephant-size cup! I didn't expect you to have one." The patient looked very happy.

"Haha, it's not so surprising. I adjusted everything in this counseling room to match the size of elephants. I have the utmost respect for all large herbivores, you know."

"Respect, huh? Well, it seems to me that every species of animal is afraid of elephants... Everywhere I walk, the animals around me form a 1-meter radius away from me. And in my workplace, when I get the slightest bit flustered, my coworkers run away somewhere, as if I were about to go on a rampage. Most counselors for us elephants are carnivores because they sympathize with how 'strong' we are... but 'strong' is a shallow label for elephants..." He let out a huge breath. "What I'm trying to say is, I'm glad I have an herbivore counselor to talk to. It doesn't matter how big or threatening I am... I am still an her... bi... vore?"

Melon was suddenly grabbing a hold of the man's tusks, kneeling before him. "It's okay to just let it all out. Your big body makes one think that your heart is capable of storing much emotional baggage. But the heart has a very small capacity. No one is an exception. Feel free to let out all your stress." If you hadn't known Melon, you would have thought it was a particularly heart-wrenching moment. The elephant even began to tear up.

"M-Mister... I'm sorry, I wasn't planning on crying!!"

"Don't apologize. Cry all you want. I wonder if you'd turn this room into a pool! But everything is okay now. I'm with you all the way. Let's devote our time together to recovering your spirit, one step at a time."

"I'm so glad I met you!"

You sat down in the corner, pretending to read a book. This is where the actual killing was going to take place. You had seen death before, but nothing so upclose and callous.

"Herbivores don't have belligerence or predatory instincts... We are a gentle species. There is no eed to force your gentle heart to become strong. Just hire a reliable security guard to be strong for you. For example..." Melon turned around with a massive syringe. "This drug merely makes it easier for you to sleep. A healthy sleep is the first step to having a healthy heart."

"Amazing! How did you get your hands on a syringe that can penetrate elephant skin?!"

"It's like I said... I adjusted everything in this room for elephants. Just be calm and leave your body to me."

There wasn't even a crash as a horse appeared behind Melon with a weapon of sorts. "And you can leave your body to me. Drop your syrings, get on your knees and put your hands and horns on the floor."

"Hmm?" Melon turned, still smiling his sickly smile. "Are you one of my patients? Have you made a reservation? Because it seems that you've lost your wits..."

"Cut the innocent act. I know who you are." The horse eyed the scope.

"H-Hold on!" The elephant interrupted the tense moment. "What do you want with him? Why are you pointing a gun at him?"

"Calm down, I'm here to save you. If you treasure your life and tusks, then step aside. That animal is no counselor."

"No... I don't believe you! He is the only one who can save me!"

"Ah," Melon smiled as you stayed quiet as a mouse in the corner. "What a wonderful patient you are. Thank you for taking my side. A mere gazelle counselor doesn't deserve such kindness! You've touched my heart!" He turned towards the elephant. And made a sudden movement as the horse protested. "Maybe that isn't the best way to describe it. I believe this is what they call," The needle stuck out through the back of the elephant and instantly, you were sick over the side of the chair. "a shot through the heart."

And Melon was instantly shot through his heart. But it didn't stop him. "One bullet isn't good enough for my body. Too bad for you! I haven't any interest in eating herbivore flesh. What I have is something similar to predatory instincts! The urge to maim and kill. I just so happen to be half-leopard, half-gazelle. An old horse like you would never understand what it's like to be a hybrid. Sorry darling, but this is where we part ways." He gave you one last smile. "Ta-ta and good luck!"

And before the beastar could shoot, Melon was gone, leaving you all alone.

AN: End of book 3! I know these books keep getting shorter and shorter, but I promise it's how the manga is also set up! Time for the final book: Memoirs of a Cherryton Dropout, where we come full circle.

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