chapter 25: boss Mabel and cash wheel

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It's another sunny summer day and me and the family are watching television together in the living room.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We now return to cash wheel! Sponsored by chipackerz, the chip flavored crackers!" Said the tv host.

"But they taste just like chips!" Said Mabel while eating the delicious treats, as the game begins to start the man in the middle spins the  wheel and lands on cash shower,as money started falling the man punch and pushes his rivals.

"I like that guy's style." Said Stanley, of course he will. Then we hear Soos.

" Mr. Pines! We got Tourists at nine o clock! A whole bus load of them." Said Soos as we all look outside and see the whole tour bus with a bunch of people.

" hot tamales it's a Jackpot! Soos, make some new attractions!" Said Stan as Soos started making new creatures, he also ask Wendy to mark up the prices even higher.

" yeesh, grunkle Stan! It's like when you look at Tourists, all you see are wallets with legs." Said Dipper, Stan says it's not true but I totally know that true. He's even looking at people right now and imagined them as money, oh oh it looks like some kid threw up.

"Clean up on the front lawn! " said Stanley as Dipper signed and grab a bucket and mop getting ready to clean.

" ladies and gentle tourist looking around our mystery shack, you will see many wondrous roadside attractions." I said as me and Stan show our customers around the shack.

" be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse! that's... that's p-pretty good" said Stan showing them the photo fun fact I drew that I like how they are amazed by this photo.

"be astounded by the horrible pre-teen wolf boy!" said Stan as he opens the curtains and show the crowd Dipper in a wolf costume, Stan force him to wear it or he is grounded but I must say it but Dipper is such cute little wolf.

"oh! OH, look at him! all that hair! his body's changing! ah!" said Stanley trying to sound scare again Dipper is so cute.

"Grunkle Stan, this is demeaning." said Dipper looking really uncomfortable by this.

"what? I don't know 'de meaning' of that word!" said Stan as the customers laugh with him.

"if you throw money at him he, he dances." said Stan as everyone started throwing money at Dipper and he stared dancing as Stanley started catching some of their money in a jar.


As we finish the tour we went back to the gift shop and see Mabel giving away a bumper sticker to a customer oh boy Stanley wont like this one time I gave a keychain to a kid he got mad like really mad, guy wont speak to me for a week.

"what! what the hack do you think you're doing?" yelled Stan as he was holding a cardboard of himself and gave it to me so I can put it away somewhere else.

"business!, Ching, Ching, Ching!" said Mabel as she was playing with the cash register.

"listen, kid, you don't make money by giving stuff away! you're off of register duty!" said Stan.

"but...b-but" said Mabel as she was trying to explain.

"no buts except yours out the door! now shut your yaps and get to work." said Stan as he gently pushes Mabel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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