Chapter 4

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Harry woke up from something brushing his leg and his eyes fluttered open.

"Oh I'm so sorry.", a low whisper said.

Harry slightly sat up from the ground and looked at Louis who sat to his left.

"No it's fine.", Harry said calmly, his eyes moving over to Liam, Zayn and Niall, laying on the ground opposite of them.

"Oh, are they still asleep?", Harry asked with a lowered voice, then he looked back at Louis.

"Mhm...", Louis answered, looking past Harry seemingly thinking about something.

Harry turned his head, following Louis' gaze.
Behind him was the tree house lighted by the fairy lights, making him feel nostalgic and remember the days he used to spend here with Niall. It made Harry happy that he could extend the memories he made here as a child.

He took one last glance at the tree house and turned his attention back to Louis who still hadn't said anything. Which was weird, 'cause Louis had been so easy to talk to.
Well, until he was cold towards Harry out of nowhere.
Harry was close to think that he did something to upset Louis.

Louis was still staring at the tree house but after he had noticed Harry turning back to him, he dragged his gaze away from the house and onto Harry.

They were sat only a few feet apart from each other, their legs lightly touching and both their upper bodies were facing towards each other.

Suddenly their eyes met and Harry had this weird feeling in his stomach that made him so nervous.
Harry couldn't help but look away, he didn't know what was happening. His heart rate was fast and his breathing too.
This had happened a few times now and all times seemed to be caused be the blue eyed boy in front of him.

Hesitantly he turned back to Louis, when he still felt the older one's gaze on him.

The campfire was almost out, glowing dark red and giving each one of their faces a slightly red tint on one side.
The rest of the light that made it possible for them to see the other one was the moon shining down at them and the many stars sparkling in the dark sky.

Harry didn't know for how long, but they just stared into each other's eyes, forgetting everything else.
Unconsciously Louis bit his bottom lip, making Harry look at them.

"...Can I try something?", Louis asked with a low voice and Harry looked into his wonderful blue eyes again.

He nodded and all he could think was; how could a person be this beautiful? You could do anything you want, view him from every angle, no matter what, Harry would always find him beautiful.

Slowly Louis got a bit closer to Harry and Harry was sure that Louis could hear his heart pounding. Being too nervous, Harry broke their eye contact again and looked down to his lap.

They were sitting cross-legged, their knees now touching.
Harry played with his fingers then he looked up again, as Louis reached out touch his curls.
He twirled his fingers around one and his lips formed into a small smile.

It made Harry incredibly happy to see Louis smile again. He smiled as well, but a lot wider, making his dimples show up.
Louis saw Harry smiling and he met eyes with him again.

Oh lord, this boy was beautiful with his green eyes and brown curls, not to forget his pink plump lips.

Harry just stared at Louis' eyes, as they seemed to trace over every single feature Harry owned.
"...What do you want to try?...",Harry managed to breath out.

A spark of love; Larry stylinson - short ficWhere stories live. Discover now