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"P'Vee." Mark's voice was low and his eyes were glaring at Vee.

They were in the university pool because Mark was practicing with the engineering team who would fight on the Sports day to represent their Faculty. Bar was included too.

However,Vee was being overly possessive again towards Mark. He even talked to Bar and asked him if they could close the pool for participants only but Bar rejected his request because if he does, Vee should also get out from there too.

"What? I just don't want those eyes feasting on you. Tsk. I should've gave you more love bites."

"P'Vee!" Mark sighed. His face immediately flushed. Vee can really be shameless.

"Hey hey stop flirting here. We have a game to win by next week. Don't dare try to exhaust Nong Mark." Pound reminded Vee to tone down his sex drive.

Mark blushed hard. Vee was just smiling smugly.

"A man can claim his faen whenever he wants. The duty of the wife is to serve his husband."

Mark throws the towel on Vee. The shamelessness was getting out of hand. His eyes glared at the handsome senior. Vee pouted.

"But the hubby needs to respect the will of the wife too." he continued while just pouting at Mark.

"Hahaha. Nong, you really know how to tame a stubborn moon."

Vee kicked Pound but missed, then gave a finger to his friend.

Pound and Mark laughed. Vee still pouts.

After Mark's practice, he went home to his dorm because he felt so tired and Vee insisted on coming with him.

"Aren't you going home, Phi?"

"You don't want me here?"

Mark became silent. Vee shrugged his shoulders then sat down near Mark.

"I wanted to stay with you. I wanted to see you, to touch you, hear you and feel you. Do you know how much I yearned for you when you went away? Everyday I miss you."

The junior wasn't able to speak. Looking into Vee's eyes, he could feel his sincerity and it's pulling him in. The handsome face that was staring at him was making his heart race again at an abnormal rate.

"But lately you've been spending more time here than in your house."

Vee smiled. "You know how much my family wants you to trade with me. They won't mind."

Mark blushed again. Having the blessings of their parents means a lot for the two of them.

"How about we eat first? Or do you want to have something delivered instead?

Vee knew that Mark rarely prepared food on his own and would always eat outside, just like a rich kid.

"Let's just eat outside. Let me just change." Mark was about to get up but Vee pulled him in and pushed him down on the bed.


Vee smirked and dropped a peck on Mark's lips but his real intention was not that simple. He snuggled on Mark's face and there, just behind Mark's ear he kissed and sucked on it deeply making Mark moan for a brief moment. When Vee was satisfied, he licked the same area again and pecked on it before looking into Mark's eyes.

"Before we go out, I should let other people know who owns you." He smiled.

Mark narrowed his eyes. With his strength, he tried to reverse their position and he succeeded. Vee's eyes widened. Mark was definitely a man too. He did the same to Vee but instead of a moan, Vee growled when he felt Mark's lips touching him.

The junior lifted his head when he was finished marking his man as well. "We need a fair play, Phi."

Vee touched the area where Mark gave his markings as well. "Careful there kid, you might wake up a sleeping dragon."

Mark chuckled. "Let's eat first." He then went to change his clothes.

While they are waiting for their order to arrive, Mark was getting wary of the eyes looking at them, not because of his love bite that was obviously very visible because Vee intended to show off in the first place but because Vee was catching attention as always.

Vee was a very handsome man, tall and a candy for an eye but he couldn't stop getting annoyed because of the gazes that were clearly showing their intent to flirt with Vee. Was Vee's jealousy contagious? Or was he also a jealous person in the first place?

"Why are you frowning? Is my handsome face not enough to make you smile?" Vee asked.

In all honesty, Vee is a bit overconfident with his looks that sometimes Mark wanted to smack his face.

"No, your face is annoying."

"Aww, but you love this handsome face though. Then, if this is not enough, how about my body?" Vee wiggled his eyebrows. Mark just shakes his head.

Their orders arrived and they shared a peaceful meal aside from the usual teasing of Vee, the food tasted great whenever you shared it with your loved one.

When they arrived in Mark's room, Vee was already eating Mark's lips as soon as he closed the door.

"I will continue where we left off."

Mark's eyes just look at Vee. The handsome man felt his heart jump. "Don't try to make me even fall for you."

The former blinked his eyes then Vee rounded his arms on Mark's waist and kissed him again leading their body to the bed.

"P'Vee." A soft voice came out from Mark.

"Shhh..Let the husband serve his wife." Vee inhaled Mark's scent while snuggling on the latter's neck leaving a purplish mark there. He stayed there for a while kissing Mark's nape, ears and cheeks repeatedly.

Mark heard soft sobs coming from Vee. "Phi?"

"Sorry...I just...I promise to keep you and take care of you from now on. You'll have all of me Mark. Just don't leave again."

It was then when Mark realized the pain both of them suffered just to be in this situation. He caressed the back broad back of his handsome lover. "We'll fix it, whatever happens Phi."

Vee raised his head to meet Mark's face again. The younger one smiled and pecked his lips. He rounded his arms on Vee's neck and smiled again.

The night was long for both of them but with their bodies feeling the heat of each other, they continuously try to reassure their heart what they want as they heal each other's wounds.

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