Chapter 17 [The Escape]

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The breeze caressed Taehyung's cheeks delicately making him open his brown orbs that shined with hope for the new day.

Today was the day.

He stood up with confidence and determination clear in his eyes, he didn't care about doubt filled thoughts that messed his mind anymore, today was the day he needed to be strong. To not let worries consume him and to stand up to reach his desired aim.

They had to leave Pyongyang at 5pm to reach the Tumen river at 2am.


"Hello, sir I am Kim Taehyung, Jimin's friend." Taehyung bowed to the man infront of him.

"Ah, hello kid! It's nice to meet you. I heard you are Heechul's son aren't you?" Jiyong greeted.

"Yes sir that's me. I heard a lot about you from Jimin and I wanted to know your plan for the escape." Taehyung said.

"Well, come with me to my house first and I will explain everything to you." Jiyong stated.

Taehyung nodded following the man to his house.

Once they reached their destination, Taehyung analyzed the worn out house that looked like it was about to fall down, he felt sad for the man but once they entered it he was complety startled.

It was empty. There was nothing at all as the man gestured him for the basement.

Once they got into the basement Taehyung was met by piles of papers spread everywhere, he took a seat at the ground beside the man and waited for the man to start talking.

"First, as you may already know, we are going to escape through the Tumen River. We need to leave Pyongyang on daytime so when we reach Hoeryong* we will be surrounded by the darkness of the night which will be our cue to start the plan." He started.

(A/N: Hoeryong is a small city located beside the Tumen River.)

"The plan is as followed; once we reach Hoeryong we will split into 2 groups with me being in neither. My job will be to ensure your safety by distracting the guards." before Taehyung could protest, Jiyong reassured him, "Don't worry, I am a guard working for the government. Even though I'm not a guard for the Tumen River in particular as I guard the borders between South and North Korea, I can pretend that my shift changed for me to be a guard there with no problem. I will be watching out for you and once I ensure you left, I will get my cue to follow you there."

"Isn't this dangerous for you?" Taehyung asked.

"Not really. They won't have a way to find out if my shift changed for a day." He exlpained, "As I was saying, you will split to two groups each group will follow the opposite direction, this way you will not be noticeable by the other guards, once I make sure you are safe, I will follow you and we have to run in the direction of Jilin, once we make sure we are completely safe, I have enough money to do the rest, but I'm not very sure how we will leave China to South Korea." he further explained.

"I understand. I am very thankful to you for deciding to accept helping me." Taehyung said smiling his box smile.

End of Flashback

Now Taehyung isn't worried at anything as he already knows all the places near the Tumen River that are safe enough according to Jungkook, he also doesn't have to be worried about China as Jungkook will help him out.

He got all the necessary things he wanted to take with him out of North Korea, he especially took out all of his drawings and put them in his backpack, he put some clothes, some food and was ready for the day.


It was 4:30pm and Taehyung and Jimin with the others have all packed everything in and were ready to go.

"Get in the car, we have no time left!" Taehyung called for his mother who was still walking around the house and feeling every part of it as a way of saying goodbye. It was their last day there no matter what else happened.

She soon came out and got in with everyone else with her eyes filled with unwanted tears.

The trip would take them approximately 9 hours so they had to go as soon as they could.

The car started moving and Taehyung kept looking at the roads, people and the nature of their country. He will for sure miss it even if he hated being there all his life. He will miss their morning breeze, their beautiful morning walks down the streets of Pyongyang with his mother, he will miss every part of it.

Would it be because this is the end, or would it be the beginning? He wasn't sure either.

Sometimes to reach your beginning you will have to sacrifice everything, but would it be worth it? He wished to know that his days are going to bloom from that moment on and not wither and die.

The endless possibilites are there, but he has to stick with hope. He has to stick with his dreams, he has to stick with trust to those around him.

After what felt like forever, the car finally made it to a stop.

Jiyong took his leave fully clothed in his guard costume.

The groups they were going to split to were:
Taehyung and his mother
Jimin, Chungha and their mother

Jimin has already copied the map that Taehyung had and now all they had to do was wait for a phone call from Jiyong.

Time passed really slowly, after about an hour they finally got their phone call, "Taehyung, Jimin, you have to start the mission right now." Jiyong said, announcing the beginning of the escape.

The two groups split into the two opposite directions that they have read in the map.

Jimin, Chungha and their mother started the journey walking really slowly towards the said direction, they have seen flashes of light everywhere so they had to be careful.

Jimin was shaking in his place but still followed the correct direction with uneasy steps, he had to be as careful as ever.

Or else he will lose his life.

That is the thought that was running through Taehyung's mind when he saw some guards flashing lights all over the place.

The good thing about winter is that the Tumen River is going to be frozen so they can walk through it but that gives soldiers a higher ability to capture them and shoot them.

Then, finally, for the first time in Taehyung's life,

he reached the Tumen River.

Now all he has to do is cross it and be in China. It was literally that simple.

Or maybe it wasn't.

He kept breathing heavely with his mother on his side looking pale from tiredeness and fear.

They only need to cross it now.

Jimin on the other hand finally lost all his confidence and wished go back, he was so scared but the point where he was at has no return.

He is facing the river.

With shaky steps, Taehyung walked to the river with heavy breath.



"Hey, you there!!"



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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