Bloodshed and Deception

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Chapter 12: "Bloodshed and Deception"

[Freya's POV]

I watched the red numbers plastered on the clock change from 12:59 to 1:00. That was the signal to get ready. I probably could have gotten up earlier as Y/N seemed extra tired as he went to bed, but it wasn't worth the risk. If Y/N found out, everything would be over. He couldn't know.

I slipped on my torn red and black striped crop top, and my ripped jeans that were cut to be closer to booty shorts. My high heeled boots covered the bottom part of fishnet stocking on one leg and a solid black legging that stopped just above my knee on the other, but that wasn't my favorite part. I felt the energy of the bladed glove flow through me as I slipped it on my right hand. The blades were so sharp I could hear it cutting through the air as I wiggled my fingers.

I quietly opened Y/N's door and peeked in. I could make out the shapes of two people.

Fucking Mica. She's been stealing all of his attention since she got here!

I thought as I looked down at the knives attached to my fingers. My thoughts changed to how easy it would be to get rid of her, but no... Y/N would probably be mad.

Susie also knew what was going on, but neither of us put up a fight because we knew first hand the trouble she could cause if she was away from him. I shivered as I thought back to the car.

Whatever, the important thing was that Y/N was asleep.

I slipped out the front door and began to walk a few blocks. Y/N's neighborhood was set up like a grid so that there were many intersections as you walked. On the right side of the sidewalk, were many homes lined up, and halfway down each line of houses was an alleyway filled with trash bins for the residents. On my left was the street, then another sidewalk and more homes of the same setup.

I walked until I saw a green street sign that read "Blossom St."

Perfect, I haven't been here before.

I continued to walk but drastically slowed my pace, and it was only a few minutes before I saw two middle-aged men drunkenly stumbling down the sidewalk. They turned off a street to my right and walked in front of me.

The night was dead silent, except for the two men's laughter and drunk talk, and the clicking of my heels behind them. One of them stopped and turned around to face me before continuing laughing.

Drunk man #1: "H-hey L-lady. *Hiccup* D-do you know where... um... what's it called again?"

He looked at his friend as he asked.

Drunk man #2: "Um... Remo Drive!"

Drunk man #1: "Yeah, yeah! R-Remo Drive! You k-know where that is?"

They were both slurring their words as they talked, and would sometimes laugh as they tried to speak.

I lifted my hand with the glove covering it and pointed in the direction they were already heading.

They both paused and examined my extended hand.

Drunk man #1: "Well, thank you pretty lady!"

He tried to walk away, but his friend stopped him.

Drunk man #2: "Wait... Haven't you seen all the murders on the news?"

They both went silent and stared. I put both of them into an alternate reality in preparation for their attempt at escape.

As I predicted, they both turned and ran as fast as they could down the street, but went into one of the alleyways instead.

I walked after them and stood in the entrance to the alleyway. They were both on their backs holding their heads.

Drunk man #2: "How the fuck did that wall get there?!"

Drunk man #1: "Where are we?"

Heh, I remember the first time I did that to Y/N.

They both slowly got up still holding their heads.

Drunk man #2: "Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to you?"

Freya: "You're human."

They both instinctively took a few steps back.

I raised my gloved hand and dragged the blades against the wall as I slowly approached them. The first man was brave enough to charge me and try to tackle me to the ground, but I inserted my blades into his stomach softening the blow.

His limp body sunk into me but I tossed it aside. The other man let tears flow freely down his face as he saw his friend bleeding out on the ground. He fell flat on his ass and began to whimper and crawl backward until he hit the wall.

He stuck his hands out to try to stop me from coming closer, but one swift swing separated them from the rest of his arm. He began to scream uncontrollably as a steady river of blood poured from his stubs of forearms.

I quickly stifled his noise by sticking my blades through his throat, cutting through his windpipe, and the only sound left was him choking on his own blood.

I walked away happy with my work and quickly made my way back to the house, making sure not to be seen by anyone.

[20 Minute Time Skip]

I turned off the sink and did one last check for any remaining blood on my hands, and after confirming there wasn't I checked on Y/N again.

I reached for the doorknob, but before I could the door opened and Y/N bumped straight into me.

I looked down at him, and he looked up at me. We just stared at each other in a moment of silence. I examined his features, and his messed up bed head. This boy was the one who blinded me. I had forgotten my hate, something I thought was impossible, because of him: The only human I could accept. More than accept... love.

I resented him for his blinding light. I never wanted to forget that hatred, but I did, and it was only at the Gardenside Homes that his light faded, if only for a moment, and I saw humanity for what it really was. Ever since then, humanity's true self was burnt into my head, and I continued my mission of erasing as many as possible.

Y/N: "Freya?"

I was pulled out of my trance.

His eyes were barely opened, and if he didn't speak I would have assumed he was sleepwalking.

Freya: "H-hey, what are you doing up?"

Y/N: "Going to the bathroom. What are you doing up? And in front of my door?"

Freya: "Ummm... I-I was... I couldn't sleep! So I was going to see if I could stay with you... but it seems Mica is already there... oh well!"

He stayed silent for a second, it seemed like he was processing my words.

Y/N: "If you're having trouble sleeping we can get stuff for that, or you can sleep with me if you think that will help."

Freya: "O-okay goodnight!"

I quickly made my way back into my room and closed the door.

That was way to fucking close.


Sorry for the shorter chapter this time around, but I didn't really have another subject to add on for this chapter. Anyway I hope you all are safe and have a great few days till I see you again!

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