Chapter 17: Showtime

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I woke up to the bedroom door opening and closing, the scent of breakfast downstairs briefly flowing in as y/n returned from wherever she went. 

Y/n: "Morning," she almost sang, a hint of flirtiness in her tone as she plopped back into bed beside me. 

Tom: "Something smells good," I admitted. 

 Y/n: "Yeah, I came to wake you up to eat while the food is fresh. We have to start setting up in an hour." 

Tom: "Already?" I groaned as I stretched and flopped around like a fish. 

 Y/n: "Yeah," she chuckled, "So go brush your teeth and come down." 

Tom: "More like go d-" I attempted to joke but she cut me off with a playful slap, so- "Alright, alright," I finally obeyed, getting up to brush my teeth and wash my face before joining her and the others downstairs. 

There was a plethora of food spread across the kitchen island counter, our cabin mates scattered on barstools around it as if it'd disappear if they left to eat on the sofa or dining table like they normally did. 

Tom: "Wow, where'd you cater from?" I asked no one in particular as I filled up a plate and took a bite. 

We didn't usually cater breakfast since every cabin ate separately unlike dinner when we'd all be outside.

Alli: "Y/n's hands," she joked with her mouth full. 

Tom: "Wait- You cooked all of this?" I turned to her, my mouth now full of food too. 

 She just chuckled and shook her head at me before practically disappearing behind the massive fridge door. 

 Y/n: "Just a small thank you for all of your help throughout the trip with planning and all," she finally answered as she placed a variety of drinks on the counter before leaving again to fetch some glasses. 

Haz: "If you don't marry her," he joked under his breath as he shoved more food into his mouth- 

Alli: "Oh, he will," she mumbled back to him as if I couldn't hear them both, "I just know it." 

 I gave her a small glare and she just shrugged, Haz and Harry laughing on either side of her. 

 Y/n went around the room asking what each person wanted to drink, pouring and serving their glasses like a mother would her children. 

 It wasn't until everyone was finishing up and putting their dishes into the sink when she finally took a breather, her hands on her hips as she exhaled, before giving everyone instructions on what to do next to help set up for the show tonight. 

Tom: "Hey, did you even eat?" I asked when everyone started walking out to carry out their tasks. 

Y/n: "I will," she offered a quick smile before turning back to the stack of papers in her hands, reviewing all the plans and outlines for tonight. 

 Tom: "Here." 

Y/n: "Wh- Tom," she chuckled softly as I held up a bite of food for her, but I raised my brows and she took it, allowing me to feed her while she reviewed. 


I couldn't help but shake my head as I watched Tom not only feed y/n, but kiss the top of her head and rub her back as she immersed herself in prepping.

 And I sure as hell still couldn't understand why or how either of them were so set on leaving this... There had to be something they knew that the rest of us didn't because it just didn't make any sense. 

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