Chapter 6 You shouldn't have left

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€Gordon tries to enter his daughters life again

I woke up to Larson jumping on my bed so I kicked him making him land on Ser waking him up. We walked to Mickey's diner and Gordon was there. We sat down and Gordon walked up to us and started talking, well mainly me.

Gordon: Hey Y/n
You: Hi
Gordon: So um I have tickets to go to the hockey game this week if you want to go
You: Sorry but my grandfather is taking me and my team
Gordon: Oh okay maybe next time then
You: Yea next time
He finally walked away and we order. We ate pretty quickly when we meet up with Adam and McGill. McGill took us in an alley way where district 5 was. We started making fun of them and I yelled at them for being perverts and of course McGill commented on my claim.
You: Aren't you boys too young to look at that y'all are perverts
McGill: Oh come on Y/n you just mad that your not in it and we're not perving of it
You: Says the one that always pervs on me
Some Fulton kid threw McGill and Larson into trash bags and we skated away. The guys were scared but talking like they own him, so I told them that the guy was behind us and they almost shitted themselves. I started dying of laughter and the guys gave me the death scare. We skated around until practice started and Coach Riley was harder on me than anyone else, even his other star player Adam. We were working on chucking, defence, then conditioned. Gordon showed up at practice and said that Adam is playing for the wrong team and that since he's my dad and legal guardian I'm also playing for the wrong team. We have to play for the Ducks, ewwww. If he wants to my father then he shouldn't force me to play on his team and my boyfr- I mean best friend, yeah best friend. After practice I was extremely sore and Adam and Ser had to help me with my pads and skates. Even though Adam wasn't too happy Ser helping, he even tried to do everything before Ser could but Ser didn't back down. Everyone always either pissed that we're leaving or pissed at us. Adam and I went to his house and he had to help me upstairs to his room. And by help me I mean he just picked me up, ran upstairs, and threw me on his bed. I immediately grabbed the blankets and we talked about the whole Hawks and Ducks thing. Then I fell asleep hearing I love you Y/n and a kiss on my head.

To Be Continued...

Coach Riley's Granddaughter-Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now