Camping (2/2)

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A/N: camping time!

Content warnings: implied Death and violence. (One) mention of vomit.


A few months later...


"Ninety-nine bottles of bloxy cola on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of bloxy cola, take one down, pass it around, ninety-nine-" BitterSweetCornflake sings before being cut off.

"WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?!" Worstfutures yells.

"DO NOT CURSE!" Pastelrose scolds.

"I know you're thinking it too, Rose, It was cute the first ten times but now it's really annoying me. Just because he's a bacon hair doesn't mean that he can get away with-"

"We are here! Specky woods!" PuzzlingAntennas states as she parks the van.

"Now either y'all are going to continue arguing, or we're going back home."

"We'll stop arguing..." Pastel And Futures answer.

"Great! Let's get unpacked."


Once the group finished unpacking and set up their two tents, everybody scattered around the woods to do whatever, each finding at least one thing.

When sunset came around, they met back up at the campsite.

"Wanna tell scary stories around the campfire?"

"Like the fact that this campsite could be Haunted?" Strongspoons teased as they make scary hands towards Cornflake.

"Waaaaa! Please don't scare me like that!" Cornflake cries

"Too late" Spoons says as they end up grabbing smores supplies.

"Come to think of it, I saw a very strange paper taped to a tree..." Rose interjects.

"Oh? Read it then." Worsefutures says.

"CAMPING TRIP GONE WRONG! A family of five went camping in the local campgrounds and were reported missing after not returning for a prolonged time. Four of the family members were found and confirmed dead in the campgrounds, but their youngest son is still missing. The murderer, Zach Nolan, has been caught and pleaded guilty. His sentence is still being decided." Rose reads.

"Maybe the son still haunts this forest to this day?" ResponsibleRakes Deadpans.

"Really?" Cornflake asks.

Suddenly, a creature lowers itself over the campfire.

"RUN!" Cornflake screams as he and everyone else run in different directions.

Unfortunately, Strongspoons was caught, but they fought back with their metal spoons, running away.

"Quick, Spoon, grab my hand!" Cornflake offers.

Spoon grabs Corn's hand and they run to the nearby cave to tarry.

Suddenly, it starts to rain.

"Well, we can't go back to the tents. Hopefully, the others are okay." Spoon states, comforting Cornflake, before going to sleep.


The next day, the group comes back to the campsite and saw two park rangers next to a dead deer.

"Hello! I'm Park Ranger Daniel. We believe that a bear's been killing off the deer population, and since that's a growing problem for us and the deers, we'll be setting up beartraps before nightfall, so be careful. Don't worry, Y'all will be fine as long as you stay within the designated camp area."

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