• A good day •

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My first bts ff part 1
Y / n: a cheerful and cheerful girl
Kim Taehyung / V: an energetic and somewhat strange boy, many people call him Alien V
Y / n Pov
'Beep beep beep' is this the first sound I record when I wake up, that alarm that rings every morning. I get up and head to the bathroom I get ready but while I put on a horn, it scares me and makes my eyeliner drool, 'This day has started very well!' I think angrily 'Hopefully nothing else happens.' I go down the stairs but all 'last step I slide and I peel my knee' Uff! 'I head to the kitchen and while I go to get milk from the fridge my phone rings, I pick it up and I see that it is' V', I answer and say: "Hey!" "Hi Y / n! I wanted to tell you to get ready as quickly as possible, I will be at your house by 9:00 am! " "Thing? Wh- "The call ends before I can speak, I look at the clock and I see it is 8:40, 'I have to hurry!' I run to my room and after a few minutes I decide to dress in a sexy look. I put on makeup in an easy way and as soon as I finish the bell it rings. I quickly go down the stairs and open the door revealing V, I look at it for a moment and I notice how beautiful it is ... but my thoughts are interrupted by V who says: "Shall we go then?" "Sure."
The trip by car is very quiet and after an hour I fall into the arms of Morpheus.

V Pov
'I will take y / n to a beautiful place, I will make you understand that I am the right man for you ... "

Go on

Well everyone, this is the first part of my first BTS ff.

What do you think?

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