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Y/n's PoV,
I was walking around with JoJo and my sister Erina, we got to his house as a carriage pulled up and a boy came out "hello, you must be Dio Brando" JoJo said "I'm Jonathan but you can call me JoJo and this is my best friend y/n pendleton and his sister Erina" he added and then Dio looked at me "my you are a pretty boy aren't you" he said to me "thank you" I said and smiled he smiled back and we went into the manner house and I was getting to know Dio and I liked his intentions "hello y/n and Erina" George Joestar said I smiled and Dio was asked to follow George after he put his stuff down.
Dio's PoV,
"Hey Dio want me to help you carry your stuff up for you" I heard y/n say, I turned around and said "that would be nice of you y/n" I smiled as he picked my stuff up "one day y/n I'll make you mine. That's a promise" I said in my head. Y/n was strong and his hair was tied back and I realised he had three miles on his ear exactly like me I smiled to myself as I got to know him more "so you're Erina's brother hmm" I said as he helped me get settled into my new room and helped me unpack "sadly yes she's a pain a lot of the time but she's my sister so I suppose I love her just I don't show it but if she gets hurt who ever hurts I'll kick their ass" he said I smirked at his answer "so he's aggressive to anyone who hurts Erina I wouldn't want to hurt Erina then I don't want to lose this boy he could help me with what I want to do here" I said in my head again. I hugged him and whispered in his ear "will you help me get rid of this place y/n we are so much a like I think a friendship between me and you could work out fine" and licked the moles on his ear which he seemed to moan at "oh Dio~ of course I will" he said hugging me back. After we pulled away we smirked evilly at each other "well I better get going Dio I'll see you tomorrow right?" He asked "of course you will y/n I'll meet you by the tree over there" I replied pointing to the tree through my window and we hugged good bye and he left.

I'm am so sorry this was crap but ya know

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