I love you

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Y/n's PoV,
I was sat on Dio's bed with him opposite me "hey y/n I want to tell you something" Dio said "what is it?" I asked "I don't think we can be friends anymore" he said looking down "why?" I asked "because I love you" he said "Dio I- love you too" he looked up and smashed his lips onto mine.
Dio's PoV,
Ohhh~ his lips are so soft I've been wanting to kiss them for so long now and they are finally mine, all mine.
Jojo's PoV,
I was walking past Dio's room when I heard something coming from within, I knocked on the door "Dio y/n are you ok?" I asked and Dio shouted back "we are fine Jojo just go away" so I just continue my way to hang out with Erina since it's obvious that y/n isn't my friend anymore and he's been turning his back on Erina a lot so it's just me and her now. I guess.
Y/n's PoV,
After we couldn't hear Jojo's footsteps Dio smashed his lips back onto mine and laid back on his bed with me hovering above him and his hands on my hips. I pulled away and said "sadly I have to go now" he looked sad but kissed once more before I got up and left "I love you my dear" he said as I left the room he smiled knowing I would've said it back if I heard it.

Dio Brando x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now