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Dio's PoV,
That day, the day we planned for all this to happen "baby remember that day we planed for this to happen?" I asked him and he nodded "of course how could I forget"
{the flashback}
I was waiting for him by the tree we planned to meet by yesterday. I felt someone hugging me from behind "hey Dio" I heard y/n say as I put my hands over his arms "hey y/n ready to start the planning we talked about yesterday?" (I just copy and pasted everything because I'm lazy) I asked him he nodded and I sat down on the grass and so did he after moving in front of me "so Jojo has a stone mask and I want to know what power it holds and once I figure it out I know something will happen to me of Jonathan" I said, he hugged me and said "but I don't want anything to happen to you Dio you're too close to me to lose you're everything I've wanted in this life I've tried to end multiple times but since I met you that day my world spun around. Please Dio you mean so much to me" I hugged him back as he started to cry "you mean so much to me too y/n and don't worry you will never lose me okay now stop crying please" I told him while starring right at Jonathan with a smirk on my face.
Jonathan's PoV,
I can't believe what I just saw my best friend is hugging someone who is ruining my life, I saw Dio smirking at me over Y/n's shoulder so I turned away and continued my way to find Erina.
Dio's PoV,
He stopped crying and we pulled away, as I averted my eyes to him I smiled and he smiled back "thank you Dio" he said.
Dio's head,
You're  everything to me don't worry y/n you will never lose me I promise you that, I think I love this man, y/n I think I'm in love with you. It explains yesterday when some guys punched him in the stomach and I got really protective over him which scared them boys who did that to my sweet boy. He's so innocent and cute around me and so vulnerable it melts my heart I can't control myself one of these days y/n I will confess to you just not right now. It's not the right time y/n we are still children but we are strong enough to take this world together and I don't care what others think of us. If they hurt you they are dead.
{end of flashback}
"I love you Y/n so much and I always have" I said kissing him sticking my tongue in his mouth which turned into a make out session and shit got heated quickly.

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