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Mathew: COOKIE.

Cookie: *freezes mid-chase with Daniel* 

Daniel: *raises eyebrows and walks away* 

Mathew: *walks into the room* For the last time, leave Daniel alone. *his accent is thicker than usual, and he is glaring at her* 

Cookie: *gulp* But-

Mathew: *raises eyebrow* 

Alyseca: *whispering to Jenna* What's up with him?

Jenna: *whispers back* He's been slightly more irritable since we left. 

Aiden: *overhearing them* Cookie's still not used to it. 

Alyseca: Hmm...

Mathew: *towering over Cookie* Apologize. 

Cookie: But-

Mathew: *glaring at her* 

Alyseca: *blink* 

Cookie: Fine. *approaches Daniel*

Daniel: *standing behind a table* Stop chasing me, please? I'm not going to mess up your ship-

Cookie: I'm sorry! *walks away* 

Jenna: *bangs her head against her notebook* GAH!

Aiden/Alyseca: *look at her with concern* 

Jenna: I can't help what I ship?

Daniel: WHAT? You're going to ship me with a maniac?

Cookie: I am NOT a maniac! You're a ship wrecker!


Cookie: ):(

Daniel: ):(

Mathew: That's it! You two need to stop this childish game. *grabs them both by the ears and locks them in a closet* You can come out when you two stop this foolish war!

Daniel: *banging on the door* She's going to kill me!

Cookie: *glaring at him* 

The Gang: Featuring Sai's PersonalitiesWhere stories live. Discover now