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After the bell rang for dismissal of class, I hurried to my locker to grab my textbooks for my homework and quickly made my way to the buses before they pulled off.
Once outside, I checked my phone. I had 6 minutes left to spare. I searched around the courtyard for any signs of my bestfriend, but I couldn't find him. I shrugged my shoulders and thought to myself, I'll just see him tomorrow and tell him how it went, as I climbed on the bus and took my seat. To my surprise my Bestfriend was sitting in my seat.
I gave him a confusing look with a smile.
"What are you doing here? You don't ride this bus."
He giggled and scooted over for me to sit down.
"Yeah, I know. My dad wanted me to come over so I figured I'd ride your bus today."
Devonte's father actually lived in the project over from me. Though it wasn't that far of a walk, his parents didn't feel comfortable with him walking on my side of the tracks. I couldn't help but to understand.
Rejoining the conversation, I said, "Oh ok, well that's nice you get to spend some time with him."
He looked up and smiled.
"Yeah, your right. How was your day?"
"It was good, until I was called down to the guidance counselor's office."
You could read the expression on his face so clearly, he was just as shocked as I was.
"Oh shit, what happened?" He asked turning his whole body towards me to further pay attention to every word I was about to let loose.
"Well, she started off saying it was a few weird observations in the investigation that day the man came over to see me. And she asked me about it, I was trying to save my ass but I told her mostly everything I told you. Some parts I may have left out." I said, looking into my Bestfriend's eyes.
He looked down at the buses floor and shook his head.
"Why come you didn't tell that part too?"
"'Cause nobody would believe me if I did, it would just be her words against mine. Then what if she finds out I said something? I'm gonna really be a dead man then." I said as I shook my own head.
Dissatisfied with my response, Devonte let out a long sigh and continued.
"So what happened next?"
"She asked about Nate."
Devonte's eyes got wide.
"What about Nate?" He asked.
"Does he have any responsibilities, hows he at the house. Stuff like that."
"What did you tell her?"
I darted my eyes to the left and the right.
"I told her the truth, all the responsibilities are put on me, I have to wait on him hand and foot while he lives like a king and I'm Cinderella collecting dust in her assigned corner." I said lowly.
My Bestfriend wrapped his arms around me, and said, "Its gonna get better Bestfriend, I promised you."
Forgetting about the last part I pulled out the card given to me by Mrs. Winstead.
"What's that?" Devonte asked.
"Mrs. Winstead's personal card. She said if I ever felt like I was unsafe she'd get me out. I still don't know what she meant by that, but I guess I'll just hold on to it." I said with a glance out the window. My stop was coming up shortly.
I looked at Devonte and gave him a hug.
"Thank you for being there for me." I said smiling.
"That's What best friends are for." He said as he slapped my hand five.
The bus came to a screeching halt and I climbed off the steps and made my way to the few blocks it took to get home.
Once I made it to the door of the infamous apartment building, I realized that door was wide open, screen door unlocked and nobody home.
What the hell is going on?

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