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     Tomorrow finally arrived, and to say the least I was nervous as hell. Even though I had already made up my mind about living with her, something in the back of my mind was telling me something else came with it. She kept mentioning "surprises" but never gave me a hint on what it could possibly be.
     I got up, made my bed, brushed my teeth and washed my face and joined my bestfriend and his father in the kitchen for breakfast.
"How'd you sleep last night, son?" Mr. Johnson asked after I took a seat.
Ever since Devonté and I became friends he always looked at me as the second son he never had. It warmed my heart to hear the word. I just wished it could've been from my actual dad, but nonetheless it still made me feel good.
"I slept good. Had a long day yesterday." I said as I put some bacon and eggs on my plate.
"Yeah, I heard. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Your grandma said she would be calling around noon to talk to you." He said with a smile as he walked out of the kitchen.
I looked at the digital clock on the oven. It read 10:45 AM. Not much longer.
Trying to soothe my anxiety, I nudged my bestfriend.
"And good morning to you sir, I don't recall sleeping with you last night."
He giggled as he almost choked on the forkful of pancakes he was trying to stuff in his mouth.
"Actually, you did. Just in separate beds."
We laugh in unison as our laughter gets the best of us. We always joked around like that, we felt it made our relationship stronger.
"But nah though," he continued. "I slept good, it's almost that time, you good?"
I slowly started to put my head down. I was already anxious enough about her awaiting phone call, but it seemed like the subject of it just wasn't trying to go the hell away.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just ready to see exactly what's gonna unfold." I said.
He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "It's gonna go great, don't overthink it."
Yeah, easier said then done.


    Noon got here quicker than I expected and I started to hear the house phone ring.
Damn, she wasn't playing when she said noon.
Already knowing the phone was for me, I waited patiently for Mr. Johnson to call me into the living room.
"Hey Isaiah? Your grandma's on the phone." He yelled from the living room.
I got up out of my seat and slowly crept my way to where he was to answer the phone.
I picked up the receiver and spoke into it.
"Well hey my baby! How you doin'?"
"I'm doing good grandma, how about you?"
"I can complain, you give any thought on my offer?"
If I remembered anything about my daddy was that he was very straightforward. And now I see where he gets it from.
"Yes grandma, I did." I said trying to prolong the answer.
"And what have you decided?"
"I say yes. I'll come live with you grandma."
Her voice erupted with so much excitement I peeked over at a smiling Mr. Johnson and Devonté who could obviously hear her squeals of joy.
"Oh I'm so happy!! I'll give you a couple hours to pack and I'll be right there to come get you. We can go out and eat and celebrate if you want to baby."
I chuckled into the phone.
"Yeah, grandma that'd be nice."
"Okay, I'll see you in a few baby. I love you!!!"
I paused for a second, unsure of what to say next. I wasn't use to hearing that, it was almost like a shock to me.
"I-I love you too, grandma."
And with that we hung up.
Mr. Johnson walked up and hugged me.
"I guess you've got some packing to do huh?"

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