Chapter 1 - Arriving in Tokyo

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Aiichi arrives in Shibuya, Tokyo, as he heads to the next line that leads to Yongen-Jaya, where he will be under probation in the household of someone named Sojiro Sakura. But before he could get there, he sees a strange app on his phone.

Aiichi: Hm? What is that?

The app enlarges as time stops around him. He finds it strange how nobody is moving, until he suddenly frozen in shock by a blue flaming figure appearing in the distance, smiling at him. Aiichi snaps out of it, as everything is back to normal, except for the strange app. He doesn't question what happened, so he deletes the app and goes on about his day.

He gets to Yongen-Jaya, in an alley, looking for his new home for his one year of probation. He arrives at a house labeled "Sakura" at the entrance. He rings the bell, but no one responds.

Deliveryman: Oh. Looking for Sakura-san? He's not home. He is working at the cafe down the street. Just turn to your left after passing the convenience store.

Aiichi does as directed as he reaches a cafe called Leblanc. He steps inside and sees the cafe owner playing a crossword puzzle on the newspaper and an old couple having coffee, while watching the TV, which is broadcasting the news on the incidents that has been occuring.

Elderly male customer: Oh my. How frightening.

Elderly female customer: What could be going on? It's somewhat similar to the other occurence that happened the other day.

Cafe owner: Hm...Vertical is...the name of a shellfish used for farming pearls... *takes notice of Aiichi* Oh. You're here. *puts the newspaper down*

Elderly male customer: Well. The payment's on the table. Thanks for the coffee.

Cafe owner: Thanks for coming.

Elderly male customer: Thank God the cafe is in the back alley. At least there will be no car crashes in here.

Cafe owner: Huh?

Elderly male customer: There's been a string of rampage accidents. I hope stuff like these don't happen here.

Cafe owner: Don't worry. It doesn't concern me.

Elderly male customer: Okay then. See you next time.

The couple leaves the cafe, as the owner picks up the money from the table.

Cafe owner: *sigh* Four hours, and it's just only one single cup of joe. So. You're Aiichi, right?

Aiichi: Um...yeah. Are you Sojiro Sakura?

Sojiro: Yup. That's me, alright. So you'll be under my custody for the next year. I was wondering who was the biggest troublemaker that'd be coming here, but you're the one.

Aiichi: Y-Yeah...This probation is really making me nervous...

Sojiro: So as you can see, your parents requested to be under probation in here, since one of my customers is friends with them. So, follow me.

Sojiro takes Aiichi up in the attic of the cafe, which is seen messy with all the trash and books laying around, as well as dust everywhere.

Aiichi: Holy shit it's a mess.

Sojiro: This is your room.

Aiichi: Uh...It's cluttered.

Sojiro: Yeah, so what? At least you got a bed and sheets. You just have to clean all that up and you're fine.

Aiichi: Mm...

Sojiro: Anyway, I'll be leaving after I lock up each day, which means you'll be alone at night, but don't do anything stupid. If you cause any trouble in here, I'll throw you out.

Aiichi: Y-Yes sir...

Sojiro: Okay, so let me get this straight. You saw a woman get assaulted by some guy, you tried to protect her, he got injured, and sued you. Is that right?

Aiichi: Yeah. I couldn't just let it slide...And no one would even believe me...And just said that I just assaulted him...

Sojiro: Well that's what you get for sticking your nose into adult's businesses.

Aiichi: *looks down, feeling cornered*

Sojiro: Also, I heard that you got a criminal record. You were expelled from your school, and the courts ordered that you'd move here, which your parents also approved. So they just got rid of you for being a pain in the ass.

Aiichi: Damn it...It's not funny...I didn't even punch that guy...

Sojiro: Do not say anything unnecessary, okay? I am in the middle of a restaurant business, so behave yourself for the year. If nothing happens, your probation will be lifted.

Aiichi: Aw man...a year...

Sojiro: Oh stop complaining. It is for just this year. It will last until next spring. Just don't cause any trouble if you don't want to go to juvie.

Aiichi: *sigh* Yes sir...

Sojiro: Anyway, we'll be going to Shujin Academy tomorrow. This is going to be the school you'll attend. We'll introduce ourselves properly to the staff there, and there's rarely a place that'll accept someone like you. Man...What a waste of my Sunday...

Aiichi: Uh...

Sojiro: What is it now?

Aiichi: I'm sorry...that I had to be sent here...

Sojiro: Oh I didn't ask for your pity. And by the way, your luggage arrived earlier; I left them over there.

Sojiro heads down to close down the cafe.

Aiichi: *sits down on his bed* Man...Guess this is where I'll be living starting today...*puts up his luggage in the shelf*

After Aiichi puts up his belongings, he cleans out the attic up to evening. All the noise catches Sojiro's attention, as he walks up to check.

Sojiro: Oh! I was wondering what was all the ruckus, but you were cleaning? *looks around* It's actually not bad. But it is natural to keep things clean. I'll go leave now. If you ever get sick from being up too late, you're gonna have to handle that yourself, understand?

Aiichi: Yes sir.

Sojiro leaves the cafe, locking it up before heading home, as Aiichi changes to his pajamas and gets to bed. 

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