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Emma sighed to herself as she got to the hospital with sami. He looked to her and smiled as they sat down. He took a hold of her hand as she looked to him with tears in her eyes

"I'm scared sami, I'm so scared and I don't know what to do" she said as Sami took a hold of her hand and smiled as he looked to her

"I know that you are but it's all going to be okay, we are in the best place for you and our baby" Sami said as he brushed her blonde hair out of her face. Emma looked to him and smiled as she placed a hand on her small bump. She was scared and she didn't want to loose her baby

"there's has to be something wrong for me to be bleeding hasnt there?" She asked as Sami looked to her and smiled

"I don't know babe, but whatever it is it's going to be oaky, our baby is a fighter like their mother and it's all going to be okay, I promise" Sami said as he kissed her.

Emma was scared and she was even more scared that she would loose their baby. Sami took a hold of her hand as a nurse walked

"Emma roscoe?" A nurse called as Emma looked to sami and smiled as he took a hold her hand and smiled as she walked into the room. Sami took a hold of her hand as she sat on the bed. She looked as the nurse started to do a sonogram. Emma held Sami handed tightly as she heard the sound of the heartbeat and sighed lashed rested her head back and sighed relieved

"is everything okay?" Emma said fearing that there was still something wrong with the baby. The nurse looked to her and smiled "everything is fine, your baby is bit and healthy and I believe that the bleeding was caused by stress. Have you been under a lot of stress?" She asked as Emma nodded knowing that she had enemies under a lot of stress lately but she didn't realise just how much it was getting to her

"I'd say it's the stress that's caused the bleeding, would you like to know the sex?" She asked as Emma nodded

"it looks like your having a little girl" she said as Sami looked to Emma and smiled as he kissed her forehead

"it's all going to be okay" he said


Emma got back to Sami's with him and frowned as they saw azim. He was sitting in the corner and crying. Sami and Emma held a look

"azim what happened?" Emma asked as he wiped his tears away and frowned

"it's nothing I am fine" he said as Emma frowned. She knew that he was far from happened "you can tell us" Sami said as he looked to his brother. Azim looked to him and sighed

"I was attacked by Mitchell, he said that no one likes gays and how I was rubbing it in his face" azim said as Emma looked to sami, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was actually foaming at what. She was hearing. She saw his black eye and frowned

"he attacked you didn't he?" Emma asked as azim nodded, Emma couldn't believe it but she knew one thing and she knew that Mitchell had to pay. She didn't care. Azim was her family and no one touched her family


Emma smiled as she met up with charlee. Charlee looked to her and smiled

"are you okay , I heard that you were at the hospital is it the baby?" Charlee asked as Emma nodded

"I'm okay, but I need to be careful, there's a chance I could still loose the baby to stress. I haven't told Sami that and I'm scared as it's what I want more than nothing a family and I just hope that sami and I could do this, that we will be okay" Emma said scared that she was still going to loose the baby but would it all be okay?

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