Chapter 1

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Lily Evans was a 16 year old girl. But she wasn't an ordinary teenage girl, she was a witch. Her parents were Muggles, meaning that they weren't magical, and so was her older sister, Petunia. Lily had gone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for six years and was excited to go for her seventh and final year in September. She was excited for two main reasons: one, she missed her friends, and two, she wanted to get away from Petunia and her awful boyfriend, Vernon (who Lily called Vermin). Lily and Petunia had been friends until about a year before Lily began going to Hogwarts. They stopped being friends when a boy named Severus Snape told Lily that she was a witch. After that, it went crazy. Petunia called Lily a freak all the time. And Lily and Severus weren't even friends anymore. Two years before, when Lily was in her fifth year, Severus called Lily a Mudblood, which is one of the biggest insults in the Wizarding World. After that, during Lily's sixth year at Hogwarts, she befriended James Potter, Severus's enemy.

Anyway, the date was August 28, three days before Lily left for Hogwarts. She was awaiting her school supply list so she and her parents could go back to school shopping in Diagon Alley the next day.

Lily sat in her room, thinking about what to do. There wasn't anything magic related she could do other than read her schoolbooks, all of which she had already read. Then, she got an idea. She hurried over to her desk, sat down, pulled out two pieces of parchment, some ink, and her quill, and began writing. She wrote the first letter to one of her best friends, Alice Fortescue and this was the finished letter:


How are you? How's Frank? I miss you.

I'm good, but I've never wanted to get away from Petunia and Vermin so bad.

Are you going to Diagon Alley tomorrow? If you are, do you wanna meet up?

Lots of love,


Lily reread it and put it in an envelope. Then she wrote the second letter to her other best friend, Marlene McKinnon.


How are you? How has your summer been?

I'm good, but very bored. Petunia is almost always here with Vermin and it's awful.

I've already read all my schoolbooks and now I'm waiting for my school supply list.

Are you going to Diagon Alley tomorrow? If you are, wanna meet up?

Miss you lots,


Lily put the second letter into an envelope and rolled both letters up. She opened her barn owl, Snickerdoodle's, cage and gave her a few treats before tying the letters to her leg.

"Go give these to Alice and Marlene," Lily told her. Snickerdoodle hooted and flew out of Lily's open window.

"Lily, your letter from school just arrived!" Mrs. Evans called.

"Coming!" Lily said excitedly and hurried downstairs.

"It's on the table," Mr. Evans said. Lily hurried to the table and picked up her letter. It seemed heavier than usual.

That's odd, Lily thought. It hasn't been this heavy since-

She opened it. Inside were a few papers and a badge. Before looking at the papers, Lily looked at the badge. It was in the shape of a shield (but a lot smaller, obviously) and the main color was a dark red. Along the middle was a gold stripe that said Head Girl. Lily squealed and told her parents. Then she read the papers that were in the envelope. One was the school supply list and the other was from Dumbledore.

Ms. Evans,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been made Head Girl of Gryffindor house. After the Welcoming Feast, please come to my office so I can give you further instructions.

-Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Lily was very happy. She hurried back up to her room and found Alice's owl, Creampuff, on her windowsill with a letter tied to her leg. Lily got two treats out and gave them to Creampuff before untying the letter.


Frank and I are doing great! I really miss you, though.

I'm going to Diagon Alley tomorrow, let's meet up at the Leaky Cauldron at 11. I'll tell Marlene to as well.

Can't wait to see you!


Lily smiled as her mum called her down for dinner. She ate quickly and told her parents her plans for the next day. Once she finished eating, Lily showered and went to bed despite how early it was.

The next day, Lily woke up at 9 (A.M.) and ate breakfast. Once she finished her breakfast, she began getting ready. She tried on several outfits but settled on a jean skirt with an orange/beige shirt. By the time she was ready, it was a little past 10. It took about half and hour to drive to Diagon Alley, so Lily and her parents left.

At the Leaky Cauldron...

Alice and Marlene were already at the pub waiting for Lily.

"Alice! Marlene!" Lily squealed when she spotted them. The girls ran over to each other and hugged. They all started talking about their summers and Lily told the, that she was Head Girl.

"Oooh, I wonder who Head Boy is," Alice giggled.

"Probably Remus," Lily shrugged. The three girls went shopping and saw a few familiar faces from school.

Time skip ~ September 1, Hogwarts Express

Lily stayed in a compartment with Alice and Marlene for a little before going to the reserved compartment for the Head Boys and Girls. Lily walked down along the aisle, curious to see who the Head Boy was. She expected Remus Lupin, but she was wrong. There were two boys from Gryffindor in the compartment. Remus was one of them, but the other was James Potter. Lily didn't hate entirely him anymore, but why was he Head Boy?

"Evans," James said, nodding towards Lily, who responded with a smile. There was only one spot left in the compartment, next to James. Lily slipped into the empty spot. The Head Boys and Girls and the Prefects talked throughout the train ride until they were getting close to Hogwarts. They all slowly left the compartment to change into their robes.

"Who's Head Boy?" Marlene asked Lily once she came into the compartment with her friends.

"James Potter," Lily said. For some reason, she felt her cheeks warm up when she said his name. Marlene and Alice would not let this pass without saying something.

"Is Lily Evans blushing after saying James Potter's name?" Alice asked. Lily nudged her playfully and put on her robes.

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