Chapter 6

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Lily's POV

I wanted answers. Why did James leave so suddenly last night? Where did he go? Was he ok?

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. After thinking about how to style my hair for that day, I settled on leaving it down. I got dressed and went to breakfast with Alice and Marlene, who got up and dressed while I was in the bathroom. I spotted James with his friends in the Great Hall but quickly looked away and promised myself I would ignore him for the rest of the year. During breakfast, Alice and Marlene were talking and I didn't even notice the owls as the daily post flew in. An owl landed in front of me with a letter and, after untying it, saw that it was from my parents. I read it and there wasn't any super interesting news from home. Well, it did say, Vernon proposed to Petunia and she said yes, but other than that, everything seemed peaceful and boring back home.

"Lily? Lily?" Alice's voice slowly flowed into my ears, quiet at first, but then louder.

"Wh- yeah?" I asked, shaking my head out of my thoughts.

'We forgot to ask you - how's the winter ball planning going?" Alice asked.

"Ok," I said. "Wait... when is it again?"

"Around Christmas, you and James haven't decided on a date yet," Alice said.

"Lils, what's wrong? Is it what happened last night?" Marlene asked. I looked at my best friends. They both had a there's-something-wrong-and-it-probably-no,-definitely-has-to-do-with-James-Potter expression on their faces. I looked down, thought for a bit, and sighed.

"Nothing's wrong," I said a bit too harshly. "I just thought that James Potter wasn't an arrogant toerag anymore but clearly, I was wrong."

And with that, I got up and left the Hall. I was on my way to Transfiguration when I heared someone call my name. And I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Go away, Severus," I said.

"Lily please!" Severus pleaded.

"You can apologize all you want, but you still called me a Mudblood. A Mudblood, Severus. That's what I am," I snapped. "And besides, with all the Dark Magic you're into, it's better if we're not friends."

"Lily, it's not like that!" he said.

"It's not like what?" I asked. "You're on your way to become a Death Eater! I don't want to be friends with a Death Eater!"

"Lily wait!"

"Goodbye Severus," I said, opening the door to Transfiguration and walking in. A few Ravenclaws were already there, spread out around the room with their friends. I took my seat and double checked my homework from the night before, making sure all my answers were correct. As I was doing so, more and more people came into the room with their friends and taking their seats. I didn't sit next to or near my friends in Transfiguration and I usually didn't like that, but on that Tuesday, I was glad that I sat in the front so I wouldn't have to look at any of my friends. I sat next to a seventh year Ravenclaw named Joy Rubis. I didn't know her so well, but I knew that she was a Chaser on her House team. And even though I didn't pay attention to Qudditch so much, I was pretty sure that she was really good. She wasn't disruptive like many other students, she was quiet but not shy. In fact, she was quite popular. And pretty, too. She had medium-length, curly light brown hair and brown eyes. With her kind personality and good looks, many boys were always hitting on her.

Joy sat down next to me before class started.

"Hey, do you think you could help me with question 7 from last night?" she asked me. "I was working on it for hours, but ended up falling asleep and I haven't had any time to do it."

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