Chapter 2

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James's POV --

After the start-of-term feast, Lily and I helped get all the Gryffindors to the common room. After we managed to do that, we went to where Dumbledore told us we had our own dorm. Much like the normal Gryffindor common room, there was a portrait for the door. But it wasn't the Fat Lady. Instead, it was a portrait of a middle-aged woman in elegant, dark pink robes.

"What should we make the password?" I asked Lily.

"I dunno, maybe something like... Gurdyroot?" she said.

"Sure," I agreed. "Gurdyroot."

"Gurdyroot it is," the woman in the portrait said and swung open. Lily and I walked inside the dorm and stood in the entrance for a bit, admiring the room. It was pretty much the smae as the normal common room but smaller. The fire was lit and the couches and chairs didn't look as used as the ones in the normal common room. There were two doors, each with a plaque on top. One said, "HEAD BOY" and the other said, "HEAD GIRL." Lily and I nodded at each other and while she went into her room, I went into mine. It was small, but comfy. There was a four-poster bed in one corner with red and gold blankets and pillows. The drapes had red and gold stripes on them and there was a large rug with the Gryffindor crest on it. There were two windows that overlooked the Quidditch Pitch with red curtains. My trunk was at the foot of the bed and there was a handsome walnut-colored cupboard with fine details on one of the walls. I saw a door on the wall opposite the cupboard and opened it. There was a bathroom that was, just like the rest of the dorm, a smaller version of the one in the other dorm. There was a shower, toilet, sink, a few shelves and cabinets, and a window with shutters. After admiring my room for a few more minuets, I went back to the common room and found Lily sitting on one of the couches reading a book. Does she ever go anywhere without a book? She was in her pajamas; a light pink t-shirt with a Muggle thing on it, plain black sweatpants, and fuzzy socks.

Time skip ~

Lily's POV --

It's mid-October and James and I have been getting along really well. He's really sweet once you get to know him. His laugh always rings in my ears even hours after I heared it. And his smile, his smile...

Ok, maybe I have a teeny, tiny crush on him.

Alice and Marlene, being Alice and Marlene, are constantly bugging me about this.

"Lils, just admit it!" Marlene said one night in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory as I got ready for patrolling. "You like James!"

"I don't," I said quickly. No matter how many times they mentioned James, I always blushed slightly more than before. Before either of them could say anything else, I left the dormitory and met up with James, who was waiting in the Common Room. He looked up as I came down.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Hello to you too," he said, grinning. We left the Common Room and began deciding where to go first.

"We could start in the Dungeons and go up from there," I suggested. He nodded and we walked down the stairs. We didn't know what to talk about and occasionally, we would just walk in silence. Once we got to the Dungeons, I had forgotten how cold they got at night and hadn't brought anything to cover my arms with, so I shivered.

"You cold?" James asked. I nodded. "Here," he took off his sweater and gave it to me. As I was putting it on, I realized that it was his Quidditch sweater that had said 'POTTER' with the number 7 below it on the back. It was warm, and it smelled like James.

"Thanks," I said, blushing.

"Is Lily Evans blushing?" he asked playfully. I looked at him for a moment.

"Come on, this castle isn't going to patrol itself," I said and continue walking. Wearing James's sweater felt like he was hugging me, and it felt nice.

Before we knew it, we were already at the Astronomy Tower. The sun had already set and the moon shone bright among the stars. You could see every star perfectly. We stood there for a few minutes, admiring the stars, until I checked my watch.

"It's almost Midnight!" I whisper-shouted. We hurried down the stairs and though the corridors, until we were almost caught by Mrs. Morris.

"I know a way, come," James said, holding his hand out for me. For a split second, I just stared at him. Then, I heared footsteps that could only belong to Filch, the caretaker. I grabbed James's hand and he led me to a corridor that I've never been into. After many turns, we stopped running.

"Where are we?" I panted.

"Go look," James said, pointing around the corner. I peered into the other room and was shocked. We were right next to Gryffindor Common Room! I told the Fat Lady the password and she opened. James and I walked in, still hand in hand, but I didn't notice. The only people in the Common Room were Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

"Goodnight," I said awkwardly, letting go of James's hand.

"Goodnight," he said and I went to the girls' dormitory with a stupid smile on my face that I couldn't hide. When I walked in, Alice was lying on her bed on her stomach with her feet in the air and Marlene was sitting on her bed.

"So Ms. Evans, how was patrolling?" Alice asked in a girly voice. "Or should I say, 'Potter'?"

"What?" I asked quickly.

"Your sweater," Marlene said. "I didn't know you played Quidditch."

"And I didn't know your last name was Potter," Alice said.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, looking at the Gryffindor Quidditch sweater I was still wearing. "It's James's! I'm going to go give it back."

"No, give it to him tomorrow," Marlene said. "That way, you can wear it to breakfast and confuse a lot of people."

She and Alice giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I said.

I might not have really wanted to hold onto

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