Chapter 5

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Two days later...

Lily's POV

I woke up on Monday morning because Marlene and Alice.

"Lily wake up!" they kept saying.

"Why?" I groaned.

"It's Monday!" Alice said excitedly.

"And that's a good thing?" I asked.

"Well, it can be," Alice said.

"Oh yeah, how so?" I asked.

"It is and can be a day of opportunity!" Marlene said. "Now come on, get up!"

The two of them pulled me out of bed and I went to the bathroom, only half awake. When I walk back into the room, Alice and Marlene are going through my clothes in my trunk.

"What're you doing?" I asked them.

"Picking out your outfit, of course!" Marlene said.

"I'm wearing my robes, though..." I said, confused.

"Well, we have to pick out your jewelry! And your hairstyle!" Alice exclaimed. "Oh, and your shoes!"

"I'm wearing what I usually wear," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Aw, come on!" Marlene wined. "At least wear this necklace. Have you seen how James looks at you when you wear it?"

"Fine, I'll wear this to make you stop talking!" I said, taking the necklace from her. It had a golden chain and a heart on it. I put on my robes and usual black boots. I decided to wear my hair down after a lot of debating from Alice and Marlene. We went down to breakfast and met up with the Marauders halfway (A/N: Did everyone know that they went by "The Marauders" or was it like their own 'code'?). We all sat together at breakfast but we didn't all have the smae class first. James, Sirius, Alice, and I had Potions while everyone else had different classes.

I walked to Potions with James, Sirius, and Alice and we got there before Professor Slughorn arrived. Unlike other professors, Slughorn didn't give us specific seats, he only told certain people who they can't sit next to or near. (He told this to James and Sirius, obviously.) Students began taking their seats and before James, Sirius, Alice, or I could sit, all the seats were taken except for one in the front of the room, one in the back of the room, and two next to each other in the middle of the room. Alice quickly went to the seat in the front while Sirius went to the back, leaving James and I to sit next to each other in the middle of the room. We sat down, avoiding each other's gaze. Luckily, Slughorn soon came into the room and our attention went to him.

"Good morning everyone and happy Monday," he said. "For the next two days, we will be studying and brewing Amortenia. Who can tell me about it?"

I always liked the way Slughorn taught. On Mondays, he would introduce a new potion that we'd be working on for that day or week or the next two weeks. Or sometimes even a month, it all depends on the potion.

I raised my hand. I didn't usually read my Potions book if we weren't in school, but the past summer had been so boring with Petunia and her boyfriend that I ended up skimming the book.

Slughorn called on me.

"Amortenia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It's unique for it's mother-of-pearl shimmer and steam rises from it in spirals," I said. "And it smells different to everyone because it smells like whatever attracts the person."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Slughorn smiled. "Ten points to Gryffindor. Today, you all will be working with the person next to you. Amortenia is on page 47 of your potions books. Go on, then. Begin!"

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