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DISCLAIMER: I wrote this story in 2020 and never ended up publishing any of it, but I had so so many ideas for it and a bit of t written, so I decided to publish what I already have.

Hey guys! This isn't a chapter, but it's a crucial part to the story, so don't skip it!

First things first, whenever there's something in bold parentheses, it's an author's note.

The main ships in this story are:

Jily (duh) ~ James Potter x Lily Evans

Blackinnon ~ Sirius Black x Marlene McKinnon

Fralice ~ Frank Longbottom x Alice Forthescue

Big shoutout to everyone who has written Marauders Era stories with these ships, every story gives me more inspiration!

This story is set in their 7th year and might go on to their life after school.

Also, before the story begins, here's a bit about each character:

James Potter:
For a while (his first fiveish years at Hogwarts to be exact), he was a bully, or as Lily called him, an arrogant toerag. But in his 6th year at Hogwarts, James realised that his time at Hogwarts was going by fast and he was running out of time to get Lily Evans to like him. So he decided to ask Remus Lupin, who was good friends with Lily, for advice to get her to like him. Remus suggested that James... calmed down a bit. I don't mean he was always tense or anything, I mean that he was loud. So James, who was desperate to get Lily to like him, followed his friend's advice and stopped bullying people. And slowly but surely, his "hard" work began to pay off. Also, his favorite class is Transfiguation for two main reasons; one, his favorite teacher, Professor "Minnie" McGonagall taught it and two, he just liked the subject.

Lily Evans:
On her tenth birthday, Petunia got her a gold necklace with the letter "L" on it. Since Petunia didn't like Lily anymore, Lily always wore that necklace because it reminded her of good times. She's no longer friends with Severus Snape, but has sort of forgiven him for calling her a... you-know-what. However, she didn't want to be friends with him because of all the Dark Arts stuff he was into. He still always apologized to her whenever he could, but she usually ignored him. Lily is the brightest witch of her age, attractive for her looks and personality, a good and loyal friend, a member of the Slug Club, and one of Professor Slughorn's favorite students. Her best and favorite class is Potions. Now, about James Potter... She obviously noticed him changing, but while she wanted to believe it, part of her didn't. But she did get a tingly feeling inside her when she saw him helping a homesick first year, though. But, she simply thought, "who wouldn't?"

Sirius Black:
A natural troublemaker. He lives with the Potters and avoids the subject of family whenever he can. He's very good-looking and always has a group of at least two girls eyeing him hopefully. He's popular, funny, and loyal to his friends (unlike others). He has a talent for trouble and spends half of his time in detention, the other half pulling pranks. His favorite class is Charms and that's about it.

Just a heads up, there might be modern-day things in this story such as outfits, books, etc...

The Head Boy and Girl (James and Lily) have their own common room and all that. I know that Head Boy and Girl don't actually have their own common room or dorm but you know.. plot convenience.

There are a few canon characters that aren't really main characters so yeah.

There are a few things that aren't canon but are still part of the story, but I want this story to be as canon as possible.

If you notice any errors of any kind, please let me know! I want to improve my writing as much as I can.

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