Extract from Child Of The Night

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I was born moments before my mother's death. She exited the room after kissing me goodbye and I never saw her again. My father killed her he killed my mother and now he will pay. I was an accident it wasn't Amarantha's plan to have a child with the high lord of the night court simply to use for pleasure and to cause him misery.

When she had died one of their followers had snuck me out, I was 8 at the time and so fully aware of what was happening, I watched her die I watched my mother die and her huge power pass to me. I watched them bring HER back to life that human! and I knew from that moment on there would never be a place for me in the family they would create and when she walked of with one of the other high lords, I saw the pain in the Rhysand's eyes and relished in it.

9 years later

Today was the day, my time had finally come and my plan was foolproof. I swung my red braid over my shoulder and smacked the guard in the head the gold band at the end cleaving through his head like a recking ball. I twirled and dove and plunged my dagger into necks as I made for the wall protecting Velaris.

I easily walked through the shield the magic not being clever enough to distinguish the Amarantha in me and only sensing the blood of the high lord. As I wandered through the streets I wondered how my mother hadn't got to this place before when all it had taken me was a bit of well placed mind delving into defenceless traders! How could a man so evil live in a place so beautiful. I wondered what building he lived in, I had looked for a castle or Manor House but there were no castles and LOTS of manor houses so I reached out my mental talons who immediately farted for the nearest mind but I stopped them in their tracks with a single thought when I realised that Rhysand was a Highlord and he might be able to sense my power so I went for a more subtle approach and went up to the nearest man and plastering a smile on my face I asked him "I am looking for Rysand to discuss my living arrangements do you happen to know where he is?" As soon as the male unfurled his wings I knew my mistake. "Whose asking?" The Illyrian asked me eyes narrowing. "A concerned citizen." I said simply meeting his dark unyielding gaze , immediately his eyes softened and he replied "the townhouse on the right, and I am Cassian by the way." I thanked him and walked on but instead of going in the front I walked round the back and removed the glamour on my clothes revealing the skin tight leather and Eskimo hood which covered my eyes and most of my face. I also un-glamoured my midnight wings which were the same colours as my fathers but not bat like at all they were a black so dark it swallowed the light apart from lines of silver and gold in the unruffled feathers. I spread my wings far and flew up and through the window in a single swoop. The room was rather big and looked to be a bathroom, the bathtub was so big it could very well have been a pool it looked like it would fit two winged people. I looked out into the corridor and climbed up the wall and onto the ceiling using the pads on my suit. And crawled over to a second room that looked like a bedroom and entered via the ceiling and lay in wait.

I soon heard voices out in the corridor they said "I am going to bed now darling Feyre and don't worry your girls night won't be distracted but little old me!" Rys called as he entered the room. He paused and for a moment I thought that I hadn't hidden my scent well enough but after a second he moved on a went and lay on the bed fully exposed. That's when I struck, He had just spotted me when I sprang and kicked him in the chest, he lashed out with darkness but it just became part of my power swirling around me as I punched him again and again saying "this is for my mother, this is for not caring, this is for..." but he threw me of him and sent me flying into a wall, " I don't know who you are or what I did to your mother to make you hate me so much but I suggest you leave my home before you get hurt!" He growled at me but I didn't give in, no I was just getting started. I launched of the wall taking him by surprise and kneeing him in the groin as hard as I could, he cried out in pain and shock but quickly recovered at blocked my next blow. I ran up the wall and jumped on him straddling him and smacking his black locks. Suddenly 2 males burst in crying out to see how I was managing to hurt him, I remembered one from the street before, Cassian I think his name was. I think he seemed to recognise me or because he seemed surprised for a moment but then recovered and sprang at me. I punched off Rysand sending him face planting in the carpet and slammed into Cassian blocking blocking and punching him square in the jaw knocking him out then went back to Rys my anger making me reckless and I forgot about the male in the corner. I bent over Rysand and poised my dagger to strike but then something hit me on the back of my skull and as I crumpled to the floor I saw the shadowy male drop the club and survey the scene as he asked Rysand who had just risen from where he had been "what should we do to her?" Rysand took a moment to contemplate before answering " take her to the house of wind and out her in the cells for questioning... I want to know how she got past the shields and into my home and I want to know how she managed to take my power!" Then he realised I was still grasping at consciousness and hit me in the face and with that the word finally went black and the world was silent for me at last  and more quiet and peaceful than it had for a long time!

If you enjoyed please check the fuller version out on my home page and my other stories!
so this is my first re-take kind of thing on a GREAT book so I hope you like it, this is the first chapter and if you want me to write more plz tell me! Word count 1173! The most words EVER for me so I am impressed! See ya soon BYEEEE!

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