6 - Fatality

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• Cameron's Point of View •

"You can see your friend now." a nurse came and brought me down to where Chris was.

"Hey man." a very black eyed and bandaged Chris said.

"Hey. How you feeling?" I said trying to put the thoughts of Kallie aside.

"A little numb and my vision is a little blurry but other than that not to bad." he giggled. "Not too bad." he repeated while trying to hold back laughter.

"We had to give him some pain meds because not only did the car crash break his nose but he had two broken ribs as well." she shrugged and shook her head at his silliness.

"Hey you know you're really pretty." he said with one eye open and one eye shut to the nurse.

"Thank you. Now try to not move or you will agitate your ribs."

"I'd like to agitate your ribs." he tried to wink, but with two black swollen eyes it ended up looking like he was having a seizure. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll be back in a little bit to check on you." she said before heading out the door.

"She totally wants me." he smirked.

"Ohh...yeah..." I said giving him the okay sign.

There was a knock on the door and then in came two policemen.

"Hello gentlemen. Would you be able to answer a few questions. We just want to understand what happened." a man said pulling up a chair next to me.

"Yea...sure." I nodded.

"Do you remember what happened before the crash?" He asked pulling out a pen and pad.

"Um...We were at a stop light, but it had turned green so Chris..." I nodded toward the bed. "He was in the middle of the intersection when a car hit us."

"So the light was green?"

"Yes." I nodded remembering the awful noise the crash made.

"There were three in your vehicle. Correct?."


He turned to the other officer before speaking. "All together there was six victims. One completely unharmed, " Luke I thought. "Two with minor injuries." Me and someone in the other vehicle. "One with extensive injuries." Chris. "One with life threatening injuries." Kallie. "And one fatality."

"Wait one fatality?!" I said feeling sick. "Someone's dead?" Oh my god please don't be Kallie. "Who is it?" I said panicking.

"I'm sorry but we cannot disclose that information at this time." he said very matter of factly.

"No please you have to tell me." I begged.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't until the family is notified." he said getting up to leave.

"Never mind I'll find out myself." I said getting angry.

I ran down the hall to the waiting room. The nurse at the desk helped a lady earlier with information so she must know something to do with how Kallie is.

"Excuse me. I need some help."

"Yes sir what can I help you with." she said chewing her gum loudly.

"I'm looking for information about a patient. A girl she's about my age and her names Kallie she was brought in here a little while ago."

"Did you say Kallie?" A voice came from behind me.

"Yes?" I turned to see the same lady who was in here earlier.

"I'm her mother. Do you know what happened?" She was tapping her foot nervously with red puffy eyes clearly from crying.

"How is she doing do you know anything?" I asked ignoring her question.

"She's still in surgery." She said looking somewhat confused.

"So she's not dead?" I said relived.

"Dead? No."

I collapsed into a chair feeling a weight lift off my chest.

"Where you there?" She said looking down at her shaky hands.

"Yes." I said thinking back to the accident.

"What happened?" Her voice cracked.

"We pulled out into the intersection and then it all happened so fast. Lights coming from the side and then my body being thrown around like a punching bag."

"Were you driving?" She said grinding her teeth.


"Because the first chance I get to meet that kid who was driving I'm going to kill him. He hurt my baby girl. Oh my god." she burst into tears.

I sat beside her and put my hand on her back trying to comfort her.

"She just got into Harvard. She has her whole life ahead of her. Why my baby? Why?" She said into her hands.

"She's strong she'll make it through then she'll have some witty remark to say about this whole thing." I smiled thinking about her strange sense of humour.

"You...you know her?" She looked at me with glazed eyes. Immediately I broke down. Her eyes. They are the same beautiful colour as Kallie's.

"Not really, enough to know that she is pretty amazing."

"If she was here she would probably slap me for saying this but you're a very nice and handsome young man and my daughter was lucky to know you. Look at me talking as if she's dead or something."

"Lisa?" We both looked up to see a surgeon.

"Patrick! How is she?" She stood up frantically.

"She pulled through. She's definitely a trooper that one." he said rubbing her arms.

"But..." He continued.


"Because of the extensive trauma she is in a coma."

"A coma?" I asked concerned.

"I'm sorry who are you." he looked at me narrow eyed. Rude.

"A friend." i said crossing my arms.

"How long do you think she'll be in a coma?"

"It's hard to say. She could wake up at anytime, but when she does wake up she's most likely going to have to endure intense physiotherapy."

"It's okay I'm just thankful she's alive."

"When can I see her?" I asked. I just need to see her. I need to see her for myself to see that she's okay.

"Sorry. Only immediate family at this time." he said taking Lisa down the hall. No way is that going to happen. I need to see her one way or another. I have to think of something good.


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- xoxo Gracie

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