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you smooth your shirt against your body, trying to look presentable.

it was quiet a shock, to be honest. you never thought you would meet someone off of the internet.

your parents never supported you having online friends, but now that you live alone, you can meet as many as you want.
at first, you were nervous that he was catfishing you. it seemed impossible that such a good looking person would want to meet you- a nobody.

"y/n!" your manager calls your name from the counter. "hurry up! there's a bunch of customers.

you internally cry. the uniform for the job isn't that approachable. honestly, you look like a lunch lady.

"hi! what can i get for you today?" you ask the woman at the front of the line.

"just a hot chocolate, please," she replies smiling.

you nod, going to go get her drink ready.


the man next in line stares at you. you can't see his face, which is covered by a mask and a hat.

"what can i get for you today?" you ask, smiling awkwardly.

"y/n," the man responds. "i'm looking for a girl named y/n. now that i think about it, you look a lot like her."

your eyes widen, realization hitting you like a cold brick.

the man in front of you is jungkook. jeon jungkook.

and by the looks of it, he doesn't want you or anyone else to see his face.

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