Girl four is perfect, but...

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Ash and Anabel were laughing loudly. People would say it's the wine, but Ash knew it wasn't. Truth to be told, he felt completely at ease with Anabel. She was nothing like the women he's been on a date with recently. Maybe it was a good thing she was one of Leaf's acquaintances.

Anabel even convinced him to go sing at the karaoke a little earlier. Some clients in the restaurant thought it was cute; others were making faces at their horrible voices.

"I know! Right? People were shutting their ears!"

"That was fun, though!"

Anabel leaned back. "I've got to tell you something."

"Do you want to leave already?"

"No, no! Just listen." Anabel let a giggle. She said in a low voice, "When Leaf told me about you, I said no at first. But... not because I didn't want to go on a date with you or anything."

"And may I ask why?"

"It's my job," Anabel confessed. "All the relationships I've been in, the guys... they give up. My job is very special, Ash. As an air hostess, today I'm in Kanto, tomorrow I'm in Kalos, and some guys didn't like that. Most walked out on me, and at some point, I was getting really hopeless. I thought the only way I wasn't going to get hurt is not to date."

Ash couldn't relate. His job didn't have that much impact on his personal life.

"And I got tired of it – Leaf has the same lifestyle, but she's got Gary who, well, understand? I don't exactly know how they manage, but they're doing it."

Ash looked down. This woman's honesty was making him feel bad. "I get it."

"So, yeah." Anabel smiled weakly. "If you're going to leave... don't do this." Anabel shook her head. "I'm not going to lie to you."

"Well, since we're being honest here..." Ash looked her in the eye. "You're a very beautiful woman, you're fun, y-"

"It always starts like this!"

"Anabel..." Ash licked his lips. "You're a wonderful woman. This night – this date is the best I've ever had in ages – and I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying ages. You don't find honest people like you every day. You're everything I could have wished for, but I'm leaving."

Anabel said nothing.

"Not because of your job, but... there is someone else, Anabel, and I can't get her out of my mind. I tried, but it's only getting worse. I'm very bad at this, Anabel. I'm really bad. Really bad. I suck."

"And this moment, right now, when I'm saying these words." Ash's voice was getting wobbly. "I am thinking about her – and I can't stop. Her image is in my mind right now. I bet you can see her through my eyes."

"Are you alright?" She looked worried.

"And I can't drag you with me while I'm feeling like this." Ash closed his eyes. "You are being yourself, and so should I. This is who I am, Anabel. I can't deal with his feelings like a proper adult. You were honest with me and you deserve that I will be honest with you."

There was no response.

"And even if I try – you're a gorgeous woman and any guy would die to date you – I can't, Anabel. You're too kind. I can't hurt you." He admitted. "I'm sorry. You're too kind. I can't stand to use you to get over the woman I really want to be with. I have a mess I should fix myself, not by using other women."

Anabel stared at him for a few seconds.

"I appreciate how honest you are. I really do." She lifted her glass. "Let's drink to honesty."

Ash smiled. He knocked his glass against hers.

"This is the part where I tell you to go get your woman, but..." Anabel said. "Nah, that's too average. Plus, you brought me here; you're finishing this date and taking me back home."

"And what would you say instead?"

"Can I have her name so I can stalk her on social media?"

"Prepare to see a lot of cat videos."

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