The Ungodly Machine EP 2

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Previously on Escape the Night...
The 10 people invited to Geoff's party house ventured into the evil of the house. They found out people were going to die as Courtney gets the car to explode. Owen coughs up his blood to death but Cody gives him medicine and saves him. Courtney and Duncan fight and Duncan doesn't care. They found out that the Ungodly Machine was also waiting...

-1 month before the guests arrived-
Scientist - This will work!
Girl - Let us go! Please!
Boy - Give is mercy!
Scientist - Shut up! I can't think!
-A figure walks into the room and sets down a artifact-
Black Figure - I can help you...
Scientist - Who are you?
Black Figure - I'll keep my identity a secret. But now use the artifact to power your machine and help the monster rise.
Scientist - Well it gives off enough power. I'll do it.
-The Scientist puts the artifact in the machine and it gives poison gas to the two participants-
Girl - AHHH!
Boy - NOOO!
-A monster rises from the blood of the participants and the black figure goes away-

Lindsay - What does that mean?
Courtney - It means there's a machine h*e. Just why would someone name it 'The Ungodly Machine'?
Lindsay - Shouldn't you know that b***h?
Geoff - Don't start another fight guys!
Cody - Well we need to start looking for clues that will lead us to that Ungodly Machine.
Owen - Well I found a number. It says '3'
Bridgette - I also found a number! '2'
Noah - I found one, '6'
Geoff - I found beans!
Lindsay - We're not looking for beans Geoff. Anyway I found '9'
Sadie - Is that it?
Katie - I think so, I found this box under the couch.
Sadie - It's a 2 digit code! Guys add the numbers!
Geoff - Well 3 + 2 is 32 right?
Courtney - I bet your still in preschool. 3 + 2 is 5, and 5 + 6 is 11 so add 9 to that you get?
Geoff - 19?
Courtney - Your stupid as s**t. It's 20. So put in 20!
-Katie puts in 20 and it's opens revealing a note.
Katie - There's a note! It says 'Find 3 books with our Society Against Evil sign. Once you find all of them you must you them all on the lounge table which will reveal what to do next.' Well during when we 1st got here I found some weird symbols on books in the lounge.
Duncan - Then it must be that! I saw a weird symbol before a came inside the house. It looked like a star in a circle.
Noah - I found one!
Lindsay - I did too!
Courtney - I also got one.
Duncan - Put it on the table!
-They all put the books on the table and something flashes in the backyard-
Sadie - Lets go check that out!
Ezekiel - I didn't want to go out there but we all had to unless we wanted to die. So I opened that door and found some stairs.
Lindsay - Should we go down?
-Courtney pushes Lindsay and she falls down the stairs and onto the floor of the basement-
Lindsay - B***h!
Courtney - Hey I have you a push and your fine! What's down there?
Lindsay - Some machine.
Courtney - Were coming down!
-The rest of the group comes down the stairs to see two capsules and two working systems-
Butler - You've found the Ungodly Machine. Now, for a artifact that's deep inside the machine you must go on 2 who must take on this challenge. They're I'll choose partners to fight for their lives. So let's go to the lounge to vote.
Katie - Oh my god!
Sadie - This is sooooo Scary.
Cody - I think I may be safe from this challenge because I saved Owens life! I mean what can be more helpful then saving someone?
Butler - Discuss the votes among yourselves.
-Katie and Sadie get away from the group as Geoff and Bridgette go with them-
Katie - Who has done the least out of everyone?
Sadie - Well we all haven't done much but I'm thinking that Ezekiel and Noah are too quiet, also they haven't done as much as us.
Bridgette - I agree. Me and Geoff will vote Noah, you ladies vote Ezekiel.
Geoff - Alright.
-While they are talking the other group decides who done the least-
Courtney - Well to start off, I think Ezekiel is to quiet and he hasn't done much.
Ezekiel - All you've been doing is yelling at us and making us do stuff! What do you mean I do nothing?
Courtney - Your a lazy a** b***h that just stayed quiet and you've done less then me! Sure, I'm bossy, but at least I do stuff!
Butler - It's time to vote. You all will come up one by one and you will pick the card of the person you want in the challenge. Now, Lindsay, your up 1st.
Lindsay - I really didn't know who to vote but I just voted Courtney because she pushes me down stairs! That's rude.
*Lindsay picks Courtney*
*Owen picks Courtney*
*Katie picks Ezekiel*
*Sadie picks Ezekiel*
*Courtney picks Ezekiel*
*Ezekiel picks Courtney*
*Bridgette picks Noah*
*Geoff picks Noah*
*Cody picks Courtney*
*Duncan picks Courtney*
*Noah picks Courtney*
Butler - I will now shuffle and draw 2 cards from the deck. The 1st person into the challenge...
Courtney - Probably a lot of people voted me. If so I just hope that it picks 2 other people. I have a lot to prove to everyone
Butler - The Counselor.
Courtney - S**t
Butler - The next person entering the challenge with the Counselor is...
Courtney - I hope it picks Ezekiel so one of us can die and there won't be so much drama and we can work together without him.
Butler - The Scientist.
Noah - Who voted me?
Courtney - I was not expecting that.
Ezekiel - At least it's not me. Bye Courtney.
Courtney - F**k you.
Butler - You must now pick partners, Courtney, since you were drawn 1st you can choose your partner 1st.
Courtney - I'm going to choose someone who is really helping, so Owen, I choose you.
Owen - Ok.
Noah - Well since your chose my actual friend, I'll choose the one who saved his life. Cody.
Cody - Alright.
Butler - You 4 that were picked follow me. The rest of you can speak among yourselves.
-The 5 go downstairs to the basement and Courtney and Noah get in the tubes-
Butler - You will have 30 minutes to try and malfunction the machine. If you don't complete all the steps in 30 minutes then both of the participants in the tubes will die by poison gas. So Owen and Cody, your time starts now.
Cody - What the hell?
Owen - This is just like the dream I had before we came here! It had instructions and I had fun turning the levers.
-Owen puts the levers in the right direction and it turns on a light bulb-
Courtney - Yes! Go Owen!
Owen - A lot of people wanted Courtney to die, including me. But I don't want her to die, she is more helpful then Noah.
-Cody tries to follow Owens steps and it doesn't work-
Noah - I'm going to die in here.
Cody - Shut up! I'm trying!
-Cody puts the levers right and it turns on the lightbulb-
Noah - Yes!
-Owen gets his hand in the ice bucket for the next step-
Owen - This is freezing!
Courtney - Just don't think about it! You got it!
-Owen unscrews the nail and it makes a lightbulb light up-
Courtney - Aw yeah!
Cody - What? Omg.
-Cody unscrews it faster then Owen and it turns on a lightbulb. While that was happening he opens the bottom of the machine and he starts plugging the cords-
Owen - I was doing really well until Cody was right behind me and I was sweating because there was only 5 minutes left. I have all the cords but one so I'm stuffing that one into literally every single hole.

Cody - I'm glad I caught up so I won't be viewed as that weak. I'm really behind because I have 2 cords in and 2 cords out so I have a lot of time to catch up.

-Owen plugs in his last cord and the final lightbulb comes up-
Noah - AHHH!
-Noah bangs in the door until after a while he dies by  breathing in poison gas. Courtney's door opens up and she steps out hugging Owen-
Cody - Damn it.
Courtney - Thank you Owen!
Owen - No problem!
-The 4 of them go back grabbing the artifact and leaving Noah's dead body behind-

Sadie - This is so nerve racking!
Katie - OMG I know right!
-The Butler walks in and Owen and Cody begins them-
Bridgette - Where's Courtney and Noah?
-Courtney walks in holding the artifact and the others are surprised-
Ezekiel - Well s**t. Good Job Owen.
Owen - Thanks.
Butler - Here's a clue to the next artifact.
-Courtney grabs it and starts to read it-
Courtney - It says 'Buried Alive...' OMG.

-Episode End-

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