Wicked Hallucinations EP 9

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Previously on Escape the Night...
The Group has found a man trying to look for his gun while the others were looking for the next artifact. Geoff got the gun and gave it to the man and then they had to vote 2 people in a challenge to get the next artifact. Courtney and Lindsay were chosen and had to play in a game of battleship. Lindsay's ships were all gone and when she pulled the trigger she had something new in her head, a gunshot. Courtney got the next artifact and the group slept away.

Courtney - Where are we?
Katie - I don't know.
(Katie tries to get up and gets pulled back and sees she's locked up to the wall.)
Katie - What the hell?
Geoff - What happened?
Katie - I don't know but we need to get out of these things.
Owen - What is that thing over there?
(Owen tries to nod his head to the middle of the room where a chest is.)
Katie - That's a chest. It may have keys! Or something that will help us.
Geoff - But how do we reach it?
Courtney - I have the longest legs out of all of us, let me try to get it!
(Courtney kicks the chest over to the other side of her which was Geoff. Geoff grabs the chest with his legs and opens it with his feet. He sees 4 keys and he grabs one with his foot. He puts one in the lock and he unlocks himself.)
Geoff - Yes! I'm coming guys!
(Geoff unlocks the other cuff and steps up. He grabs the keys from the chest and goes to unlock Katie. He unlocks her then unlocks Courtney. When he unlocked her he goes to unlock Owen. Everyone gets up and runs out the door and into the lounge.)
Owen - What's up next?
(Everyone hears something outside and they go outside. They see lots of fog and go inside it. Everyone coughs and then they see a women holding a katana. Then the tree across from her has masks and a note.)
Geoff - What does that say?
Katie - It says 'To get your next clue to the artifact you must select a mask that looks like the women's, a lot of masks on the tree looks like the women's mask, GoodLuck.' So who's up 1st?
Owen - I'll try it.
(Owen grabs a mask and looks at it then the women's. He puts it on and goes infront of the women. The women walks to Owen and takes off his mask. She then sliced him with her katana and he disappears)
Everyone else - WOAH!
Katie - What just happened?
Geoff - Lets try again. Let's try this mask.
(Geoff picks up a random mask and puts it on. Then the Women gives everyone the next clue.)
Geoff - This says 'To get your artifact you must vote 2 people into the basement to face a deadly challenge. Then they must choose someone from the opposite gender to help them survive. Decide wisely.'
Courtney - The 1st ever challenge, I got voted in and I picked Owen to help me. And Owen is still alive, so if I get picked for this challenge and Owen is safe, I can choose him again to help me. But if me and Owen are both chosen then that plan is backfired.

Geoff - I dont really wanna vote against anyone this time. I say let's vote ourselves and the house decides who goes in the last challenge.
Katie - I'm down for that.
Courtney - Me too.
Owen - Me three.
Butler - Are you all ready to vote?
Everyone - Yes.
Butler - Okay, Geoff, your up 1st.
*Geoff votes Geoff*
*Katie votes Katie*
*Owen votes Owen*
*Courtney votes Courtney*
Butler - Okay, now I will shuffle the votes and pull 2. The 1st person in the challenge is...
The Counselor...
Courtney - Why me again?
Katie - That's so sad.
Butler - The next person in the challenge is...
The Fortune Teller...
Katie - Ugh!
Owen - I'm glad I'm not chosen so I'm gonna survive this mess, but Katie is one of my good friends outside this whole thing, I want to save her but if Courtney chooses me I don't wanna fail her and make her die. This is so hard.

Geoff - Katie has been in only 1 challenge and that was with Owen, they both lived and Duncan died for them. So maybe this is Katie's last hour alive then,
Butler - Courtney, since yo ur name was drawn 1st, you may choose your partner 1st.
Courtney - I choose Owen.
Katie - Then I guess Geoff is with me.
Butler - Now please follow me to the challenge.
(Everyone goes down to the basement and Courtney and Katie sit on the electric chairs. The Butler gives them rings to put on the electric chairs to stop the electricity from shocking their partner, they then start throwing the rings)
Katie - You got this!
(Geoff tries to make a shot but misses.)
Katie - AHHH!
Geoff - I'm so sorry!
Courtney - I don't wanna die! Please make it.
(Owen throws a ring and misses.)
Courtney - OW!
Geoff - I think I got it this time!
(Geoff throws a ring and almost makes it but misses.)
Katie - AHHH! I thought you said you had it this time!?
(Owen throws a ring and makes it.)
Courtney - Yes! Keep going Owen!
(Geoff throws a ring and misses it.)
Geoff - Im trying!
(Owen throws a ring and misses.)
(Geoff throws a ring and Makes it.)
Katie - Yes! Keep going!
(Owen throws a ring and makes it.)
Courtney - Aw Yeah!!
(Geoff throws a ring and Makes it.)
Katie - Yay!
(Both of them throw a ring at the same time and Owen misses as Geoff makes it!)
Katie - OMG!
(Courtney gets electrocuted then dies in the chair. Geoff unlocks Katie as the box in the middle of the chairs opens with a artifact.)
Katie - Lets go...
(The group goes upstairs with the artifact leaving Courtney's body behind.)

-Episode End-

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