Did Someone Call for a Excorist? EP 6

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Previously on Escape the Night...
The group had a fight with a very strong creature. The creature captured some people and only 3 won the game. Then the group went to the circus where they found their next artifact. They voted 2 in and Owen and Katie were picked. They did strength tests, they juggled, and they kept their balance. In the end they both survived, but the creature had one last thing to do. The creature then grabbed Duncan and twisted his neck and broke his back. He then threw him on the ground, and the group got their next artifact.
-4 weeks before the guests arrived-
Holy Man - This is impossible!
Mother - How did our Daughter get like this!?
-The women in the bed bounces around and hissing-
Holy Man - She must've been chosen by Satan!
-The Man pours Holy Water on her and then she stares at him. He runs away dropping his Cross. Then he locks the door with the parents and her in it. And he runs away from there-

Lindsay - OMG!
Courtney - *facepalms*
Courtney - Lindsay is very, you know, like she gets frightened easily. So she's really weak for what we're dealing with. If she can't handle a simple scare, she obviously can't handle everything that's going on right now.
Ezekiel - Okay where is this guy?
Owen - He said in the basement.
Courtney - Your so dumb.
Ezekiel - Okay, but how do we know it's unlocked?
Courtney - By testing if it is unlocked? Duh.
Ezekiel - If it's locked then that will just waste our time.
Courtney - Okay, how about we split up. 1 group goes to see if the door is unlocked. And the other group looks for stuff to unlock the door if we need to unlock the door. Okay?
-The group splits into 2. Courtney and Ezekiel go and find out if the door is unlocked, and the rest of the group looks for clues if the door is locked-
-Group 1-
Courtney - Where's the Basement?
Ezekiel - Where we found the Ungodly Machine probably.
Courtney - The machine is probably still there.
Ezekiel - Well we need to find out:
Courtney - Well 'you' need to find out.
Ezekiel - What?
-Courtney pushes Ezekiel down the basement stairs. Ezekiel lands on his face and loos up to find a long hallway with a door at the end of it-
Ezekiel - It's good!
-Courtney goes down stairs and walks without Ezekiel. Then Ezekiel quickly catches up-
Ezekiel - Why did you push me down?!
Courtney - To see if it was clear. Duh.
-Courtney gets to the end of the hallway and tries to open the door-
Courtney - It's locked.
Ezekiel - I told you so.
Courtney - F**k you.
-Group 2-
Geoff - I found this note.
Owen - What does it say?
Geoff - It says 'To unlock the basement door you must find the man who locked it up. Then you must try to find his key that he lost.' He's so stupid.
Lindsay - Who loses a key?
Owen - No- Never-mind.
Katie - So where is this dumba**?
Owen - Lets look outside. Maybe he's there.
-The group goes outside and Katie goes into a shed-
Katie - Hm?
-Katie then steps on a trapdoor and falls down-
Katie - AHH-
Sadie - Did you hear that?
Geoff - Hear what?
Sadie - It sounded like a scream.
Owen - I didn't hear no scream.
Sadie - Ok.
-In the Trapdoor room-
Katie - Ow! Where am I?
-Katie walks around and finds little chests and boxes. She opens one up and a bunch of bats fly out-
Katie - Ew!
-Katie then walks to the end of the room and bumps into someone-
Katie - AHHHH!
Man - Wait!
Katie - Who are you!? What do you want from me!?
Man - Are you looking for something?
Katie - Yeah. It's a artifact.
Man - I saw one of those when I was in the basement.
Katie - Can you lead me to the basement?
Man - I can, but's it's to dangerous. Before I left there was the girl that was possessed by a demon. She's probably still in there. So we can hav enough go in there.
Katie - What if, we give you 2 people to try and get the women to get the demon out of her. And if we succeed, we get the artifact. But if we need to sacrifice someone for the artifact, we will do it.
Man - I'll make a exception.
Katie - Ok. We'll give you them in just a few minutes!
-Katie climbs back up to the surface and goes to the rest of the group-
Sadie - Where have you been!?
Katie - I found this guy that has a key to unlock the basement door. And in the room there's a artifact so I told him we can have 2 people to do a exorcism.
Geoff - Why did you tell him that!?
Katie - It was the only way to get the artifact to escape!
Owen - Ok.
Courtney - Guys! The basement door is locked.
Ezekiel - And now I can say I told you so.
Courtney - Shut up homeschool.
-The group goes into the lounge and sits down. Then the butler appears into the lounge and puts the table of cards in front of him-
Butler - When I call your name, please come over here and put the card of the person you want in the challenge in the deck. Then I will shuffle and draw 2. Now, Owen. Your up 1st.
Owen - I really didn't know who to vote honestly. So I chose Geoff since he probably is trying to kill us.
*Owen votes Geoff*
*Katie votes  Courtney*
*Courtney votes Sadie*
*Geoff votes Lindsay*
*Lindsay votes Courtney*
*Sadie votes Courtney*
*Ezekiel votes Courtney*
Butler - Now I will shuffle and draw 2. The 1st person going in the challenge is...
The Party Boy.
Geoff - Why did someone vote me!?
Katie - I don't know.
Butler - The 2nd person in the challenge is...
The Engineer.
Katie - Who voted Sadie!
-As Katie cries into her hands Sadie hugs her and stands up. Geoff and Sadie walk to the basement and grab the key from the man. They unlock the door and walk inside to see a woman lying in the bed-
Sadie - Ew.
Geoff - Don't say ew now.
-Geoff grabs the note and reads it-
Geoff - It says '1 person must hold the woman down as the other tries to solve clues and get rid of the evil in her.' I'll solve the clues.
Sadie - Ok. I'll go hold her down.
-Geoff picks up notes and tries to solve them. Sadie sits down in the bed and holds the women down as the girl tries to jump out of it-
Geoff - Is this it?
-Geoff puts a clue in a box and another box opens with another note and a necklace with roses-
Geoff - *mumbles* Ok...
-Geoff puts the rosary on Sadie and she shakes. Then Geoff pours holy water on the women and Sadie falls on the bed and the women rises-
Geoff - Omg.
-Geoff reads the note fully and covers his mouth-
Geoff - Damn it.
Geoff - When I saw the note fully. I knew that I was gonna put it on Sadie either way.
-Geoff grabs the artifact and the cross. He runs out of the room and goes upstairs-
-In the Lounge-
Lindsay - It's okay Katie.
Katie - What if she doesn't come back?!
Lindsay - I don't know what to do then.
Courtney - Ofcourse you don't know! Your hair is at least higher than your iQ. And your hair isn't that high.
Lindsay - F**k you.
-The group here's footsteps from the basement. And Geoff walks into the lounge-

Lindsay - This is really hard to handle. Because now we have to deal with Katie crying like a baby for the rest of the night.
Geoff - Isn't anyone happy to see me?
Geoff - I didn't kill her! I mean I had a part of killing her. But that doesn't mean anything. I got the artifact at least.
-Geoff puts the next artifact next to the other 4 artifacts. Then music notes play-
Lindsay - What is that sound?
Ezekiel - I feel sleepy.
Courtney - I feel sleepy too! But your probably more sleepy than me because you can't find a bed at your farm.
Ezekiel - Shut u-
-Everyone falls to the ground and sleep and a figure walks into the room-

-Episode End-

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