Mannequins EP 4

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Previously on Escape the Night...
Our team tried to figure out the clue of being Buried Alive. Sadie and Katie got captured but then were freed by their group. Then the other group found a Ouija board and brought it inside to talk to the spirit of Noah. Noah picked the person to betray and Cody got Buried Alive.

Courtney - Who's crazy?
Ezekiel - You but you're not a man.
Courtney - F**k off. We need to look for where someone crazy could be.
Lindsay - The Bathroom!
Courtney - Your stupid. He must be in a asylum. But since there is no asylum in here it must be in his room.
-Duncan moves from the conversation and pulls out a book. When he started to pull that book a secret entrance opened-
Sadie - Woah!
Duncan - I didn't know that was gonna happen but okay.
-The group goes into the secret room and they all see a buck of mannequins-
Katie - OMG! This person really is crazy!
Owen - There must be some clue why he built this.
-Owen looks around and he finds a note inside a book-
Owen - I found a note! It says 'This is my family. But I killed them so I replaced them with mannequins. My 1st victim was my wife and I stabbed her in the chest so I can see what's inside there.' He's f**king crazy.
Katie - So do we look inside the chest?
Sadie - Yeah! I think so.
-Sadie looks inside and finds another note-
Sadie - I got the note! It says 'I always wanted to know what was inside a child's head, so I opened one up and I only found a brain.' So we look in there.
-Geoff removes a child's skull and finds another note-
Geoff - This says 'A Dinner for 5.'
Courtney - There's only 4 though.
-The group split into 2 and searched around the house-
-Group 1-
-Group 2-
-Group 1-
Katie - Sadie, let's look outside.
Sadie - Why not tell the rest of the group?
Katie - Because we just need to cover up more space. Cmon.
-Katie and Sadie go outside and head to the car while the rest of the group look on the 1st floor-
Geoff - Is there anything in the clock?
Duncan - I don't think a mannequin can fit in there.
Geoff - It's worth a shot!
-Geoff opens the clock and nothing is in there. Duncan rolls his eyes and the group goes to the dining room-
Sadie - Do you think this mannequin is in the car?
Katie - I'm sure Sadie!
-Katie bangs on the back of the car and it flys open, showing a mannequin-
Katie - Here it is! Let's go tell the groups.
-Group 2-
Owen - Aren't we supposed to find clues?
Courtney - Yeah. But there's no clues up here.
Lindsay - The other group probably must have more luck finding clues.
Sadie - Guys! We found the mannequin! Let's go to the creepy place!
-The groups go into the mannequin room and Katie places the mannequin on the empty chair. Then a cabinet opens up having a clue inside-
Duncan - It says 'You have completed my puzzle. Now to hide this all away and get your next artifact you must vote 4 people in a challenge to play perverted games. Decide Wisely.' Let's go guys.
-The group goes into the lounge and sit down and the Butler comes in-
Butler - I will call you 1 by 1 and when it's your turn you will choose the card of a person you want in the challenge. Bridgette your up 1st.
*Bridgette votes Duncan*
*Courtney votes Ezekiel*
*Duncan votes Courtney*
*Ezekiel votes Courtney*
*Lindsay votes Katie*
*Katie votes Courtney*
*Sadie votes Lindsay*
*Geoff votes Sadie*
*Owen votes Ezekiel*
Butler - I have all of the votes. I will now shuffle and draw 4. 1st person in the challenge...
The Counselor.
Courtney - What!? Again?
Butler - The 2nd person in the challenge is...
The Engineer.
Sadie - Wow. Who voted me?
Katie - Sadie! NO!
Butler - The 3rd person in the challenge is...
The Home-Boy.
Ezekiel - Who the F**k voted me?
Courtney - Well I know I did and you did vote me. Now I have someone to beat in the challenge.
Ezekiel - Kiss my A**.
Butler - The last person in the challenge is...
The Delinquent.
Duncan - I knew it. F**k whoever voted me.
Butler - You 4 come follow me.
-The 4 follows the butler upstairs and they enter a room with s*x mannequins-
Sadie - What the f**k?!
Butler - Here's a clue to your 1st game. GoodLuck.
-The butler gives Courtney the note and he exits the room as Courtney opens it-
Courtney - 'Spin the Bottle'. Oh s**t.
Ezekiel - Are we doing this with each other or the mannequins?
Duncan - I guess we'll have to find out ourselves.
-The group goes to the bottle and Courtney spins it-
Courtney - I hope it doesn't land on Ezekiel. That's all I hope for.
-The bottle stops on Ezekiel-
Courtney & Ezekiel - NOOOOO!
Sadie - Now you guys have to Kissss.
Ezekiel - Oh hell no! I would kiss dog s**t then to go through kissing that.
Courtney - You probably kiss dog s**t all day. It's your only love life.
Ezekiel - F**k you. I ain't kissing her.
Duncan - P**sy.
Ezekiel - Excuse me? Say that again?
Duncan - I said your a P**sy. So do the games choice. Kiss the b***h
Ezekiel - Fine.
-Ezekiel and Courtney gag before kissing but then kiss and pull away after 2 seconds-
Courtney - I have dog s**t in my mouth! Whyyy?!
Ezekiel - That felt like kissing my death day.
Sadie - Ok! I'm next.
-Sadie spins the bottle and it lands on Duncan-
Courtney - Now you guys have to kissss.
Sadie - I mean it's fine. It's not like we landed on the mannequin.
Duncan - Yeah. We can get through it because we're not p**sys.
Ezekiel - Just get on with it!
-Sadie and Duncan close up and kiss then pull back after 5 seconds when a number lights up in the room-
Courtney - What's over there?
Ezekiel - A number.
Courtney - No s**t. I'm asking what's on it.
Sadie - It's a 5.
Duncan - While you guys were messing around I found a box. With a 4 digit code.
Courtney - So we need to have s*x for 3 more numbers. Wow.
-Duncan grabs a note from the ground and reads it out loud-
Duncan - It says 'To find your remaining letters you must choose someone to kiss a mannequin for 5 seconds then another number will appear.' So who wants to do it.
Courtney - None of us want to kiss mannequins while people are dying.
Ezekiel - I'll do it!
-Ezekiel walks toward the mannequins and starts to kiss it. Then Courtney grins as another number lights up-
Sadie - It says '1'.
-Duncan puts 1 in the next slot as he grabs the next note-
Duncan - It says '2 of you will have to French kiss for 10 seconds for the next number to appear.'
Courtney - I think Ezekiel and the Mannequin should go at it.
Ezekiel - NO! I think Duncan and Courtney should do it.
Courtney - Hell no!
Ezekiel - Duncan only kissed Sadie because she spun the bottle on him. So eh technically didn't help us. And you've only spun the bottle.
Courtney - Sadie dome as much as me!
Ezekiel - She reads numbers. That's barely more than you.
Duncan - I'll do it.
Courtney - Oh fine!
Courtney - That was the worst moment of my life. Even worse than kissing Ezekiels dog s**t lips.
-When the 10 seconds ended Courtney almost throws up as Duncan just stands there as the 3rd light dings up-
Sadie - It's a '9'
-Duncan puts the 9 in the next slot and picks up the last note-
Duncan - It says 'To find your last letter you must have a threesome with mannequins.' Uhh- Sadie.
Sadie - S**t. Does it say how long?
Duncan - Nope!
Duncan - It did say for 5 seconds but I wanted to see how long she could keep it up.
-Sadie does the threesome for 10 seconds until she realized a number already lit up-
Sadie - Theres the last number! It says '7'
-.Duncan puts it in the slot and the lock opens up. He removes the lock and opens the box to find a journal-
Duncan - 'This is a murder journal. Whoever's name you write down in the next page will die. You cannot choose anyone that's in this room. If you refuse to do the betrayal then you all will die. Decide wisely.' What?
Courtney - It's sad how Ezekiel can't die.
Ezekiel - F**k you. Anyway who do we put down?
Sadie - Well Owen has been doing a lot for this team so I think we shouldn't write him.
Courtney - Agreed. But someone I think that hasn't been doing a lot is, Lindsay.
Ezekiel - Well she's really nice. I'm thinking of putting down Bridgette. She knows what Geoff is doing, so she'll survive with him and she'll kill all of us with Geoff. So we need to kill her the 1st chance we get.
Courtney - How about we spin a bottle, whoever it lands one we will put that name down, okay?
Ezekiel - Okay.
-In the lounge-
Geoff - I wonder who's coming back.
Lindsay - I hope Ezekiel lives!
-Suddenly Bridgette starts coughing out blood-
Katie - OMG!
Geoff - Babe!
Owen - What do we do!?
Geoff - Does anyone know where Cody had the antidote to save Owen!?
Lindsay - No!
-Bridgette then seizures and dies on the floor in front of them-
Katie - OMG!!
-The people who were voted in walks into the lounge-
Geoff - What happened?!
Sadie - We has to do games of some sort but then when we finished it said we had to betray someone. It was between Lindsay and Bridgette and it landed on Bridgette so we put her in a murder journal and she died for the artifact.
Katie - Oh wow.
Duncan - We also got these Circus tickets from that box we found with the murder journal.
Everyone - AHHHHHH!

-Episode End-

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