The Invitation EP 1.

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Geoff POV:
I've started having dreams about a house. It was in the past that I couldn't see. That house that I was dreaming about, came to me.
Geoff - A Party House! Woo!
When I got it, I couldn't sleep until I invited someone else to party with me. So I got a note and started writing it to my friends.

Mailman - *knocks*
Lindsay - Yeah?
Mailman - A letter for Ms. Tyson?
Lindsay - That's me! Thanks.

Bridgette - 'Hello friends, I am inviting you to the best party house ever!' Why Geoff?

Owen - 'It exists in the year 1920 where parties were invented. So I assigned a role on the back of your card so it can be all 1920 themed.'

Katie and Sadie - 'I hope to see you at the party, sincerely Geoff.' EEEEEK!

A carriage comes to each of the participants houses and picks them up. They arrive at the house and introduce themselves.

Lindsay - I'm Lindsay, and I'm the Princess.
Sadie - I'm Sadie, and I'm the Engineer.
Katie - I'm Katie, and I'm the Fortune Teller.
Owen - I'm Owen, and I'm the Explorer.
Bridgette - I'm Bridgette, and I'm the Surfer.
Duncan - I'm Duncan, and I'm the Delinquent.
Noah - I'm Noah, and I'm the Scientist.
Ezekiel - I'm Ezekiel, and I'm the Home-Boy.
Courtney - I'm Courtney, and I'm the Counselor.
Cody - I'm Cody, and I'm the Ladies-Man.

Sadie - OMG! This place is sooooo cool! Right Katie?
Katie - Yeah Sadie! Let's explore!
-Sadie and Katie both go into the lounge and look around-
Noah - Where is Geoff? Didn't he invite us here?
Owen - Yeah! Imma go to the kitchen quick!
-Owen runs into the kitchen and sees a huge mess-
Owen - This place does not clean up well!
-He opens a cabinet and sees a body part-
Owen - AHHHH!
Lindsay - Owen! What's wrong?
Owen - Someone killed someone and put their body part in a cabinet!
Bridgette - Who could do that?!
Courtney - I need to get out of here!
-Courtney runs toward the door and opens it. She runs out and goes toward the car-
Courtney - I'm not dying tonight!
-She gets there and the car explodes before she could get in. She runs back inside the house and closes the door-
Courtney - Were trapped!
Ezekiel - Lets all just chill-
Courtney - No! We're going to die like that person with their body part in the cabinet! Owen, what else did you see in the kitchen?
Owen - I got a note.
Courtney - Read it!
Owen - Ok! Jeez, it says 'This house is flooding with evil. But we are against it. If you are reading this we are called the Society against Evil, and we've been battling the evil of this house for centuries. We need artifacts to get rid of the evil but for a artifact you must sacrifice a friend. You'll find out more later.' What? So people are going to die!?
Courtney - Yes Sherlock! People are going to die!
Duncan - Where are Dumb and Dumber?
Courtney - You mean Sadie and Katie? They are in the lounge probably sleeping if they didn't hear Owens scream.
Sadie - Guys! We just found something really cool!
Courtney - What is it?
Katie - We found a-
Geoff - You all made it!
'The Party Boy'
Noah - Did you kill someone in this house and stuffed their body parts in a cabinet?
Katie - Wait you found what!?
Geoff - I just got this house. How could I kill someone already if I didn't even live here for a week.
Courtney - You can still kill someone- know what, never mind.
Geoff - Well my maid almost has dinner ready! Let's go to the dining room Dudes! And dudettes.
-Everyone goes to the dining room as Bridgette and Katie go upstairs-
Katie - Why are we here?
Bridgette - To see what Geoff is hiding.
Katie - But, Why?
Bridgette - Just forget it.
-They both get on the floor and see the maid dragging a body-
Katie - OMG! I'm out!
-Katie runs downstairs as Bridgette gives the maid a glare and goes back down-
Geoff - Where's my girl and Katie?
Sadie - Yeah, me and Katie never part so this is a little weird.
Katie - Were back! We just had to use the bathroom.
Bridgette - A really weird bathroom break but it's fine.
Courtney - Well sit down! The food is almost ready.
-They both sit down and the maid brings out the food-
Geoff - I'm ready to eat!
Owen - Me too!
Cody - Me three! You ready ladies?
Courtney - Pick another lane!
-Courtney opens the lid and they all see a head-
Katie - OMG Ew!!!!
-The butler comes in handing Owen a note-
Owen - What's this?
Geoff - Even though I want to know, there is a head on this table!
Courtney - The thing in the cabinet is probably that guys body part.
Geoff - What!?
-Owen starts coughing up blood and food crumbs-
Katie - OWEN!!
Sadie - What's happening?
Ezekiel - Owen literally just started coughing up blood and I'm like, should we help this guy?
Ezekiel - Is there any medicine?
Cody - I saw some in the lounge! I'll go get it.
-Cody runs to the lounge and grabs the medicine inside a small box. He then runs back to the dining room and gives Owen the medicine-
Duncan - Is he going to be fine? Because I don't care.
Courtney - Seriously? He almost died, and he would've died if it wasn't for Cody. Then your saying you don't care about his death!? He's the reason we found a body part and had this adventure going! He's the reason we found out we're trapped here and needed artifacts to escape but for that we need someone to die! Do you care about his death now!?
Duncan - F**k off.
Lindsay - This is bad! We all need to work together so we can escape! We need to find more clues.
Owen - Can I have some food?
Noah - He's alive.
Sadie - Phew! At least we didn't experience a death!
Butler - I need everyone in the lounge please.
Bridgette - Didn't that b***h almost kill our friend?
Geoff - I think it's best if we follow him.
-Everyone gets into the lounge and a note falls from the ceiling-
Courtney - The f**k? Why did the ceiling wall just open?
Lindsay - Just read the note F**kney!
Courtney - It's Courtney blonde a**h**e. Anyway, it says 'There is a ungodly machine hidden in the basement. That's all' The f**-

-Episode End-

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