Chapter 1

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Ever since she had gotten back the reply from the Headmistress of Jade Mountain Academy, Quetzal had been exited nonstop for her first day at school.

After she had sent her request, she had had to wait for an ENTIRE WEEK for her letter to be read and be accepted, and it had been TOTAL AGONY. When the messenger had come to her home, she had squealed in delight at the sight of a scroll in the dragon's talons. Her dads had tried to calm her down, saying that if she didn't stop bouncing off the walls, they wouldn't let her go to the school. It had mostly worked.

She was still absolutely ecstatic to be going, and even more so, now that she was flying there right now. Both her dads decided on coming, and they flew behind her, in shades of blue and red and purple, trying to keep up with the five year old dragonet rushing ahead.

She looked ahead again, trying to see the school among the mountains and valleys, but they all looked the same, in boring shades of brown and grey. She couldn't believe how dull it was here compared to her home. It was all the same, brown and gray, and a little bit of green here and there. The Rainforest was all bright greens, with fruits and flowers and animals of every colour, from orange to pink, to those blue frogs that gave you hallucinations.

Her dads had said that the Academy was the biggest mountain in the Claws of the Clouds Mountain Range, so she began searching. It didn't take long. She looked to her left, and saw lots of dragons, flying up and down the large mountain. That must be it! She thought. Quetzal flapped her wings harder, eager for her first day of school. When she was almost above the famous academy, she dove downwards at a steep angle, the wind screaming in excitement.

She could hear her father yelling at her to be careful, but she knew she was going to be fine. At the last possible second, she pulled away and landed softly on the grassy ledge for families saying goodbye to their children. A quiet SandWing moved out of the way hurriedly, trying to get away from the bright turquoise dragonet looking like she had just been through a tornado.

She flopped down, tired from flying all the way from the Rainforest. Two dragons appeared beside her, one with a reprimanding expression, the other with a happy one. Guava and Loris, her ever sweet parents.

Loris had always been the one to care about her, making sure that the scratches she got from swinging the Rainforest were treated well, but Guava had always been the one who had cared about how long she waited before stopping her fall in the air.

Guava was talking to her about that now, actually; "That was the closet yet!" he and her had a contest, seeing who can get the closest to the ground without, you know, hitting the ground and seriously injuring themselves.

Loris scuffed Guava on his shoulder, and said "You should be more careful, Quetzal, you could hurt yourself, and you know much the cream I use to heal your cuts hurts."

Quetzal had gotten many cuts and bruises from her competition with her dad, and thankfully, Loris had been there to help. The worst sound she had gotten had been from swinging from a tree too vigorously and partially paralyzingly her for a day. She had small scars all over her body, from the vertical one on her snout to the long one in her tail.

"You know I'll be fine," she playfully shot back, "I've been doing this for five years now, and Guava has been teaching me since I was one!"

"You have to watch out, and Loris is right, I'm always careful, but you can be a little reckless sometimes." Guava said.

She sighed. "You guys worry too much. Well! Since we're here, I guess I can go now? Meet my clawmates and live happily ever after?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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