broken rules n.s

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Never in your life did you think that you would be the other woman in a relationship. You knew that it was so damn wrong, but being with him just made everything feel so right .

Its been almost a whole year that you two have been sneaking around, it surprises you that you two have not gotten caught yet.

"what are you thinking about beautiful" nikki broke you from your thoughts and pulled you closer to his chest.

"nothing much" you sighed. You hated not telling him the truth, but you two had an agreement if you were going to be the other woman none of you could catch feelings everything was just physical. Telling him that you caught feelings would ruin everything, and you liked how everything was.

You tried to get up so you could start looking for your clothes to get dressed, but nikki pulled you back to him. "i have a meeting in an hour sixx i gotta go" you laughed as he started to kiss your neck.

"stay" he mumbled "please". How could you say no when he was looking up at you with big ol puppy dog eyes.

"i mean i guess i can reschedule" you rolled over so you were straddling him. "what to do, what to do" you smirked while trailing your fingers down his chest.

"i think i have an idea" he flipped you over and softly grinded against you. "gosh i fucking love you" he looked at you with wide eyes, never in a million years did he think he would ever hear those words come out of your mouth.

"i'm sorry what?" he asked rolling over so he was laying next to you.

You really didn't know what to say "never mind sixx" you quickly got up and went to find your shoes and car keys so you can head home.

"where are you going" he grabbed your wrist in attempt to get you to stay. You just looked at him, pulled your wrist away from him grabbed your car keys and ran out of the house.

All you could think to yourself as you drove away was how stupid you were to admit to nikki about how you really felt. Feelings weren't supposed to show up, everything was ruined.

Nikki had called you at least 10 times since you got home. Each time you let it just go to voicemail you couldn't talk to him.

"y/n its me open the fucking door" nikki shouted while pounding on your door. "go away nikki" you shouted and rolled your eyes. He found the key you hid under your rug and let himself in.

He walked into your room and sat on the edge of the bed "talk to me please" he begged. "i cant nik, i broke the fucking rules and you hate me now so please just leave" you sighed and turned away from him.

"i don't hate you, i love you fuck the rules i caught feelings for you a long time ago i was just scared to admit them" he grabbed your face so that you were looking at him.

Tears filled your eyes, this was a very confusing moment even though it shouldn't have had been you both were on the same page.

"so what does this mean?" you asked. "for now i don't know, but what i do know is that i love you and i will do anything to see that beautiful smile on your face" he kissed all of your tears away and held you close to him.

"am i still the other woman?"

He let out a small laugh "you were never the other woman sweetheart, you've always been the one i knew i wanted by my side all along, i was just too scared to admit it"

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