out of touch t.l

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It had only been a few weeks since he left on tour, but it was driving you crazy. This was his first real tour so of course you were beyond happy for him, but this was the longest that you guys have been apart. He offered for you to go with him, but you couldn't you had a job that wouldn't let you leave and plus you knew he would be doing drugs, and you did not want to be around for that.

Its not that you had anything against drugs, you had your fair share of it and you quit. The thing was that tommy acted so different when he was high and you did not like it.

Sober tommy was just so lovey dovey, high tommy was the complete opposite all you guys did was fight over the stupidest shit.

It was late and there was still no call from tommy, by looking at the time you knew that the show was over. It had been over for a few hours already, but hey he was living it up right. You really hoped he wasn't cheating you guys had been so distant lately.

Of course you were still in love with tommy, but was he still in love with you?

The phone ringing loudly pulled you away from your thoughts. "hello" you answered.  

"hey baby" he said practically yelling. You knew he was high off his ass so you wanted to keep the conversation short just so an argument would not happen, you simply were not in the mood for it.  "how was the show?" you asked. He sighed and just stayed quiet.

"tommy" okay something seriously was not right.

"what y/n" he snapped. Oh shit here we fucking go.

"lose the attitude lee, you called me i haven't said one thing wrong gosh why do you hat-" you were cut off by the one thing you did not expect to hear ever from him, you thought he loved you more than anything.

"i cheated on you" he instantly regretted saying it, the drugs always made him say stuff that he couldn't control. Would he cheat on you when he was sober? hell no. You knew it was the drugs but you weren't going to let him off easy maybe you two needed a break.

"h-how long" you said barely above a whisper.

"3 times, but bab-"

"no, don't call me that look maybe we need a break" it hurt him to hear the hurt in your voice. Did you really want to take a break? no but maybe it was for the best, maybe tommy would finally get his head out of his ass.

"y/n please, i didn't mean to you know that i cant lose you i'm not asking you to forgive me right away because what i did was a so fucked up, i'm just asking that you don't give up on us please we can work this out" he begged.

"fine lets try and work it out but i swear on everything if i find out that you cheat again it really is going to be over for us tommy"

"i wont ever upset you again, i love you" he said and you can hear the smile in his voice.

"i love you too, now get some rest rockstar we can talk tomorrow" you let out a yawn and your eyes slowly started to flutter shut.

Even though you and tommy had been distant you loved him with all that you have, and you know that he loved you just as much.  

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