blueberry pancakes t.l

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"hey athena are those your pants?" you asked your best friend as you pointed at your boyfriend tommy.

"mommmmmm" athena whined "tell him to take them off " you couldn't help but laugh as your boyfriend started doing different poses.

"work it baby!" you said before whistling at him and playfully slapping his ass.

"Oh shit babe we're gonna be late we have to go" he grabbed your hand to help you up.

You walked to the mirror in the hallway and made some small adjustments to your hair and makeup before walking to the door with tommy.

"later creators" he called out to his parents before opening the car door for you slide into the passenger seat.

The ride to whisky a go go was anything but silent, you and tommy jammed out to your favorite bands being able to be yourself around him brought you joy, you loved how he never ever judged you. In his eyes you were beyond perfect.

A few months ago Tommy had brought you with him to see a band called London, but you weren't feeling well that night and you didn't really pay attention to the show, this time you did and it fucking rocked.

"that rocked it was way better than the last time" tommy wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked with you.

"it was fucking amazing, did they fight each other on stage last time?" you asked.

"that was the rad part" he exclaimed excitedly.

You two were hungry so you went to a diner right next to whisky. "two please" tommy told the lady as she guided y'all to a booth.

"babe,babe" tommy said in shock as he put a hand on your shoulder before you both sat down.

"don't look wait" he gushed while turning around. "okay look now but dont make it look like youre looking"

You moved your head to the side to look in the direction he was looking.
"you totally look like you're looking" he laughed.

"sorry" you grabbed his hand "who is that" you asked.

He looked at you with his mouth wide open "thats nikki fucking sixx" you looked at him with a confused expression "from the band we just saw" realization hit you.

"OH" you yelled a little too loudly which caused tommy to laugh.
"we should go talk to him" he grabbed your hand and you two walked over to the man holding up a napkin to his nose.

"that was bad ass dude" tommy hit his shoulder. The man looked annoyed and looked back down at the newspaper he was reading.

"he meant the show not the nose part" you said.

"but hey nose was pretty bad ass too" tommy joked before letting you slide into the booth before him.

"the singers an asshole" nikki said before looking at you a giving you a friendly smile.

"i know i saw, hey but fuck him he deserved it" he chuckled before wrapping an arm around you.

"wait babe dont you have his poster on your bedroom wall?" you let out a loud laugh.

Tommy couldn't believe you just said that. "take the fucking poster down man, london's over" nikki sighed.

Dottie walked over to y'alls table "anything i can get for you guys?" she asked with the sweetest smile on her face.

"could you get me a jack and coke" nikki said.

"and for you guys" she pointed at you and tommy.

"blueberry pancakes" you both said at the same time. She wrote it down on her notepad and then walked away.

"my new band is gonna be something nobody's ever fucking seen before" he circled something on the newspaper in front of him.

Tommy pulled out his drumstick twirled it around his fingers and then pointed to where nikki had circled "that guy looks pretty cool"

"do you carry those with you everywhere?" nikki asked.

"yeah" he started to spin his drum stick like he did before. "where'd  you learn to do that?" amusement was all over nikkis face.

"high school marching band" you poked tommys side he slowed down the spinning of the drumstick and then looked at you and then back to nikki "hey but i rock too" he said excitedly.

Dottie cane back with yours and tommys pancakes and nikkis jack and coke. "thank you dottie" he smiled at her "only for you"

Nikki downed his bottle of jack and tommy stared at him like it was the most amazing thing ever.

You started to eat your pancakes and kind of tuned out the boys as they talked about when and where they where gonna have their first rehearsal.  Seeing the excitement on tommys face was one thing you absolutely loved. You couldn't wait to see how things would turn out for the band.

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