Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Emethyst's POV

"Alright Gengar, let's go!" I exclaimed as I crossed my arms over each other. I was down on the beach in front of my dad's practicing my Z move. I felt that same power overcome me again for probably the thousandth time now. I had been practicing my Z Moves until it was a second nature. No matter how hard I tried, however; I still couldn't get my Z move to go through.

"Do you know what it means to be afraid?! Do you understand your own fears?! You will, and you won't know anything else. Because we don't create the fear; WE ARE THE FEAR! USE NEVER-ENDING NIGHTMARE!" I exclaimed to Gengar loudly, as I wiggled myself up and did the Haunter hands motion I had probably done more than a thousand times already.

The purple Z power got transferred to Gengar, but like all other one thousand times; It failed. I was beginning to get really frustrated. I didn't understand why I couldn't get it to initiate. I came so close a few times, and I just couldn't get it to work. I had been practicing for what felt like forever, but in reality it had only been a month since I got my Z ring.

Mimikyu still sat on my left shoulder as she always did, and began rubbing her cloth up against my face just as she always did to calm me down. "Ugh, why can't I get this?!" I finally exclaimed, angrily. I kicked the sand a bit with my bare foot in anger. "Ugh, this is so useless! Maybe I should just stick to Mega Evolution." I grumbled. I didn't understand why I couldn't initiate a Z move. Have I been doing something wrong this whole time? I've seen Ash and my classmates initiate Z moves like it's nothing. Yet, here's me. Emethyst Kukui, The Professor's daughter. Who can't even initiate one to save her life.

Gengar floated over to me, and landed in front of me. "Geng!" He exclaimed, as he hugged me against his gaseous body. I knew he was trying to cheer me up and make me feel better, but it wasn't working.

"Thanks for the encouragement, buddy. But right about now; I'm feeling pretty hopeless." I said to him. I looked out over the ocean to see the ocean crashing on the shore. The sun was shining as always. I haven't seen it rain once since I've moved here. The fresh smell of saltwater hit my nose. I looked up at Gengar; who still had his angry red eyes on me. I was still amazed that he was in front of me as a Gengar. I would have never dreamed that Haunter would have evolved this soon.

My thoughts were then interrupted by my dad's familiar voice from above on the hill. "Emethyst, breakfast is ready!" He called to me. However, I wasn't very hungry. I've been skipping breakfast for quite some time now. Then again; I never ate breakfast like that anyway.

"Not hungry dad, but thanks!" I called as I looked up at his familiar green framed eyes and white hat.

I heard my dad sigh loudly. "Emethyst, you've skipped breakfast now for the past three days! Come on!" He barked sternly.

"Well, make it four!" I barked back. "Ash can have my portion. I'll be fine until lunchtime, Dad!" I called back up.

My dad sighed loudly again. "Okay, fine! But, will you please come inside!?" He called out again.

"Yeah!" I called out. It was beginning to get a little hot anyway, and I could do for some air conditioning and something to drink. "Come on, Gengar." I told him, as I began walking up the hill with Mimikyu on my left shoulder. I slipped my sandals back on. I enjoyed the fresh air for the moment, as I took my time to climb up the hill. I stretched a little, for I knew I had been down there on the beach since sunrise trying to get my Z Moves down. I knew Pokemon School would be starting soon.

I topped the hill and met my dad's familiar lab coated shirtless figure at the top. He walked over to me. "You're down there training like a little Marshadow. Still haven't gotten it yet?" My dad said and asked.

I rolled my eyes subtly. "Ha-ha very funny." I said, sarcastically. "And no, I haven't. I'm starting to think Z moves just aren't for me. Maybe I should stick to Mega Evolution like mom did." I said, as I looked down at the purple colored Z ring that sat wrapped around my wrist. I then stared down at my mom's megastone that sat on my chest. I looked down at both, and sighed.

"Now, don't say that. It took me a while to master a Z move as well. It doesn't just come overnight, Emethyst. Keep trying." My dad said, trying to cheer me up.

I looked up at him, and allowed a small smile. At least he was encouraging me. I guess I would get it one day, eventually. I just didn't know when that one day would be. But, I hoped it was soon.

My dad and I walked into the house side by side. The air conditioning felt amazing on my clammy skin. I saw my dad's familiar aquarium in view, and saw Luvdiscs playing around inside of the tank. I immediately thought about my mom. "I love you too, Mom." I thought to myself.

I saw Ash's orange shirt climbing down the loft, and heard him mumbling to himself about some dream he had last night. However, I didn't bat an eye really and went to sit on my dad's green couch. I stretched quite a bit, as I sat down. Froslass came over and took a seat next to me, and Gengar took a seat on the other side of me.

"Morning!" Ash exclaimed finally, and sat down beside me. He didn't waste any time, and immediately began eating. I rolled my eyes playfully, and giggled at him. When there was food in front him; He didn't waste no time. I thought it was hilarious. Ash then looked up at my dad. "Something wrong, Professor?" He asked.

My dad had his white hat off now, and looked down at Ash. "It's funny to see you all going at your breakfast at the same time." My dad smiled. "Unlike someone." He said, as he gave me a playful side-eye.

"Hey, my stomach actually has a bottom. Unlike Ash." I spat jokingly, as I looked over at Ash who was literally stuffing his face like he hadn't eaten in years.

"Excuse me, but the news is on!" Rotom Dex chimed in. "Breakfast for this Rotom Dex is not food, but information!" He exclaimed, as he turned on the TV with the remote in his pads.

However, I was not ready for what I was about to see on that TV.

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