Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Emethyst's POV

I stood overlooking the ocean from up on the hill where my dad's house was. Despite him telling me to go to the beach; I didn't follow the order. I was in a mood I couldn't really explain. I felt uncomfortable and angry, but I also felt bad that I had snapped the way I did. Today was full of so many surprises and unexpected events that it was all beginning to be overwhelming.

Mimikyu sat perched on my left shoulder where she always sat, while Gengar and Froslass were both on my right. I let the calm, steady breeze and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore calm me down. I sighed, as I tried to ease myself from what had happened a little earlier.

"Kyu?" I heard Mimikyu let out a small cry to get my attention. I turned my head to the left, and looked at her beige colored rag from my left sided vision. "Kyu." She cried in a little voice.

"Oh Mimikyu, I'm fine, I think." I said, as I rubbed her back from behind. "Just today has been a rather out-there one, to say the least." I added, still looking out at the bright blue ocean. I took a deep breath.

"Geng?" Gengar added.

"Fros." Froslass nodded.

I knew they could both agree with me on that, because of everything that had happened today. Ash finding this random Pokemon with unknown origins, these weird people coming out of nowhere to my dad's house that I was forced to interact with. I know I probably sounded like a bit of a brat, but I just wasn't in the mood. Plus watching how Lillie's mom treated Lillie made me a little uneasy. Mom's will be mom's, but my mother never treated me like that. She loved me, but she never smothered me.

I stared out at the ocean; That seemed to be never-ending. I saw various Water-types jumping out of the water, and saw Wingulls flying over the water. I let the sound of the waves crashing on the shore calm me down from earlier. I sighed, as I leaned on the ledge more. The hot sun was beating down on my mildly sunburnt shoulders. Mimikyu jumped down off of my left shoulder, and waddled in front of me to where she was now face to face with me.

"Kyu." She said, as she looked at me a little sadly. Her beady black eyes were glistening in the sunlight from above. I allowed a small smile at her, as I reached to pet her.



....H...Hey guys! Long time no see! I'm really sorry if you were getting into that... 😅 I've had this sitting for probably a year now... But anyways ... That being said. I don't know if anyone has been following my Twitter or Discord, but I have made the choice to scrap this version and create an all new, more simplified version. I'll admit, I was very pressured into doing a second book that I didn't exactly get time to really think up a solid plotline for the second one. But, I think I've gotten it together! I'm sorry it's taken so long!

So.. I'm really excited to release this! It may take another month, but I'm officially announcing it! I've decided to put a halt on my other fics, so I can work on this new updated version! An update on this has been highly requested. This is the new cover that is done by none other than MysteriousLostOne !!

Thank you all so much for your continued support, and I'll see y'all very soon! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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