Chapter 2

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I'm sorry this took so long to put out. I love you guys so much!

Chapter 2

Emethyst's POV

"The Alola Woman of the Year Award goes to the most accomplished woman in region, and has just been recently given to none other than the highly intelligent and gifted, Professor Burnet!" The T.V. announcer exclaimed. However, when they brought up a picture of this so-called Professor Burnet; My stomach immediately dropped to the lowest of pits. I had seen her somewhere before, and I couldn't put my finger on where. Mimikyu must have noticed my discomfort, because she began cuddling up to my face as she always did. I blinked a few times in confusion, as I tried to remember where I had seen her. But, it wasn't clear.

My dad immediately did a double take

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My dad immediately did a double take. "Professor Burnet?!?!" He exclaimed, as if he were dumbstruck. I looked over at him, and felt my eyebrow raise on impulse. I could tell this was way more than just him being surprised.

"Do you know her, Professor?" Ash asked, as he swallowed a bite of his food. 

My dad gave Ash the side-eye. "We're fellow researchers, yes." He said, kind of funnily. 

I nodded my head and began laughing a little. "Sounds more than just fellow researchers, but okay." I mumbled. I turned my attention back to the T.V., and so did everyone else. 

"This is the fifteenth year the Alola Woman of the Year award has been presented. Although, it goes to women who work in a wide range of fields; This marks the very first time it has been awarded to a scientist. Resources tell us that with immense talent as a researcher and approachable character made Professor Burnet a virtual shoe-in!"  The announcer exclaimed. 

Ash laughed happily. "She looks like fun!" He giggled. I looked over at him a bit perplexed. Not to be mean, but she looked kind of annoying if I'm honest. I stayed silent, though.

"Yeah, she's both an excellent researcher and one of a kind. She's perfect for a place in the spot-light." My dad said to Ash. 

"So, just what does Professor Burnet's research focus on?" Rotom Dex asked, as he held the remote with his right pad. 

"On Ultra Wormholes." My dad said, a little slyly. 

"Ultra Wormholes?" Ash asked in confusion. I was sure my expression matched his now. What on earth is an Ultra Wormhole? I thought.

My dad put his hand up and closed his right eye. "Not now, I'll explain it to you another time." He said. He then turned his attention to me, and I guess my confusion on where I had seen this woman before was written all over my face. "Um, Emethyst? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled, as he looked down at me.

My attention then looked up at my identical green-framed eyes, and smiled to show I was okay. "Yeah, never better." I said, as I tried to play it cool. I didn't exactly know why I wanted to keep the fact I've seen her before a secret, but something was telling me to. I sighed.

 I checked the time on my phone, and saw Pokémon School would be beginning soon. I shoved my phone back into my soft sweatpants pocket. I stood up, and stretched. Froslass floated up with me. I walked around to Gengar. "Are you three about ready to head out?" I asked Gengar and Froslass, who was now by Gengar's side. Also Mimikyu who sat perched up on my left shoulder as she normally did.

"Geng!" Gengar exclaimed, as he stood up. I looked up at him. I still couldn't get over at how big he was. A thought then crossed my mind that hadn't come to mind in a while. I began to wonder how big he would be if he Mega-Evolved. I had been so focused on trying to get Z moves down; I had almost forgotten about something I really wanted for a long time. Not that I didn't like Z moves; Just obtaining a Gengarite was one of my long-time childhood dreams since my mom got her Froslassite. I looked at Gengar, and then down at my mom's mega stone. The familiar icy sheen sparkled from the sunlight coming through the window above.  

I turned around to see Ash had gotten dressed in his familiar blue and white shirt, and gray capris with red accents. I smiled at him, for he looked to be content this morning. I didn't know what it was, but there was something about Ash that was just fresh breath of air. How cheerful he was always rubbed off on me.

"Did you want to catch a ride on Gengar to get to school today?" I asked him, as I pet what would be Gengar's belly.

Ash shook his head. "Nah, it's okay. I feel like walking today." He said, happily. Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder from my dad's familiar green couch. "Pika pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. Lycanroc and Litten also joined his side, and Rowlet flew into his backpack as he always did. Ash laughed happily. 

"Alright you two," My dad said. "I'll see you both at Pokémon School." He said, as he hugged us both. 

I hugged my dad back, and so did Ash. His lab coat brushed up against my face. "Alright dad, see you there." I said. I walked over to the front door. I grabbed my backpack, and slung it over my right shoulder. Gengar and Froslass followed me out of the front door. The familiar smell of salt water hit my nostrils, as I stepped onto the dirt road that led up to my dad's doorstep. The familiar sun was shining brightly onto me, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I took a deep breath, and enjoyed the fresh salted air around me. 

"Alright Gengar and Froslass, are you two ready for today?" I said. I walked over to Gengar's back, and climbed on. Froslass joined me, as she perched herself princess-style on Gengar's other side. "Fros!" Froslass exclaimed happily. "Geng!" Gengar exclaimed right behind her. "Kyu!" Mimikyu exclaimed, as she rubbed her familiar soft cloth on my cheek. With that, Gengar floated up into the Alolan sky. The view was so beautiful. The ocean was like a giant pool, and I could see water types jumping out of the water playfully. 

Gengar took off towards Pokémon School. I enjoyed the feeling of the hot sun beating down on my arms, as I held onto Gengar. I couldn't get over how amazing it felt to ride a Pokemon of my own. I never dreamed I would be able to ride Gengar. 

Suddenly, the events from earlier interrupted my thoughts. The fact that I had seen that woman before was slowly eating me up, it felt like. I knew for sure I wasn't just dreaming or imagining this. I knew I had physically seen her somewhere. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, now. So much for enjoying my ride to Pokémon School.

 Professor Burnet.... I thought. Where have I seen you before?

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