Radiodust Week - Day One

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[This is a collaboration with @GamingTiger15 so keep that in mind!] 

Angel strutted into the kitchen like it was nobody's business holding bags in each arm from the nearest food store. As he walked into the kitchen he set them down on the counter. He ran a claw through his hair, hoping it would turn out good. He checked over his shoulder making sure the redhead was nowhere to be found before he turned the stove on while grabbing the oil from one of the bags and putting it into a deep pot with one of his other sets of arms. He set the pot on the stove and went to make dough from scratch. He pulled the ingredients from the bag that rested on the counter beside him as he needed them, he glanced at the recipe on his phone for a moment...

Maybe letting it rest wasn't necessary...He was pressed for time and it was only a matter of time before the redhead came downstairs to make his rounds. He wanted this to be a surprise after all...

He shrugged, not thinking much about it. First, the spider washed his hands, just in case as you never knew what lurked down here in hell. Next, he began rolling the dough until it was nice and flat, he knelt down in front of one of the cupboards to grab a knife. Once he retrieved a knife he stood and began cutting the dough into medium-sized squares. He dropped one into the oil, hissing at the small amount that splashed out at him. He hated when that happened but it was fine as it hadn't burned his fur. After a minute or two, he flipped it. He took the first one out of the oil and let it cool for a minute or two then picked it up and dropped it into the powdered sugar after burning himself slightly. He continued this process with the rest of the squares of dough until he was done.

He stood there for a moment, marveling at his work, and smiled proudly. He glanced at the time, good...Alastor would be done with his paperwork by now and was about to come downstairs. Although, Angel couldn't wait so he ran up the stairs to Alastor's room. He knocked his special little knock on the door that Alastor knew him to do. He waited a moment, hearing the tapping of shoes as they neared the door and his heartbeat in anticipation.

"Is there something you need, My Dear?" Alastor asked once he opened the door greeting Angel with a softer smile only meant for his lover.

"Come with me, Bambi!" Angel said, the excitement clear in his voice. Angel grabbed his hand and practically dragged him down to the kitchen, the residents and workers paid little mind to the scene as this sight wasn't as uncommon as you'd think. Most residents of the hotel were used to this by now considering the pair had been dating for some time. As Angel pulled Alastor into the kitchen the wendigo was confused by the sight.

"Tada!" Angel said gesturing with his arms as someone would do when presenting something. He looked proud and well, a little nervous as he waited for Alastor's reaction. Alastor looked at the plate that was piled with the familiar-looking pastries, his smile morphed into something truly genuine as it always did when around Angel.

"Mon Cher...Ya' made beignets?" Al asked quietly, his accent slipping slightly. Angel nodded with a smile his chest fluff slightly pinker than it had been a few seconds ago. Alastor walked over to the plate and grabbed one, he bit into it happily. He finished it after a second.

"Did...Did it taste good?" Angel asked, his voice laced with doubt...

"They tasted fine, Mon Amour. Though, may I ask if you let them rest? The texture isn't quite right I'm afraid..." Angel's face visibly fell, Alastor turned to him and quickly regret laced on that nervous smile and the way he put up his hands.

"But! Fear not 'Mon Cher! I'm gon' teach ya' how to make a new dish!" There was that accent again, and it continued to make Angel as red as the day he first heard it. Throwing his hands up in the air like a performer, Alastor smiled at his lover. With that, a smile was plastered back onto Angel's face. Granted he was a little sad that it hadn't come out perfect, but knowing Alastor would teach him how to make a new dish it made it all better. Hell if this meant the redhead would ditch his work to spend more time with him, maybe he should do this more often.

Alastor summoned his staff and stood it up on its own in a corner. With a knowing glance to the pair, it started playing a soft Jazz song that Angel was familiar with as well as Alastor. Something just loud enough to hear but, quiet enough to talk over.

"What do you wanna learn first, Beau?" Angel perked up at the nickname although he wasn't sure what it meant.

"Uh...T-That jambalaya you made the first day you were here?" He said, a bit confused over the new nickname. Alastor nodded and snapped his claws, causing multiple ingredients to appear on the counter. Al pulled out one of the cutting boards from the cabinet, and a second one for Angel while the spider stood idly by watching, curiously.

Before he started, he paused...removing his coat and placing it on a hook somewhere behind them. Angel only watched as the redhead leaned into his pocket and began tying his hair. That in of itself was enough to make the spider flush but apparently the redhead wasn't done. He grabbed a pin and pinned back his bangs, removed his gloves before finally unbuttoning one of the buttons on the red dress shirt he wore. He turned to Angel as if he wasn't the hottest sight for Angel's eyes to see.

"Would you mind cutting the vegetables, Darling?" He said setting the sausage on his cutting board and expertly used the knife. Angel nodded and grabbed a bell pepper and started cutting. Alastor put the sausage in a mixing bowl and started cutting the chicken in its place. He put the chicken into a different bowl and seasoned them separately. He glanced over to Angel, who was staring at him and had stopped cutting a while ago leaving a half-cut pepper on his chopping board, the knife paused just about to come down on the pepper again.

"Ya' know, Cher, some consider it rude to stare." Alastor said, amusement clear in his voice. Angel looked back to his cutting board and hoped that Al didn't notice the blush that was clearly on his face. Alastor chucked because he had seen the blush, but he would let it slide because seeing Angel's face change colors was always amusing to see.

As they finished preparing the ingredients Alastor began prepping a pot on the stove filling it with a small bit of oil and cooked the sausage in it then removed the sausage and set it aside. He cooked the chicken in the same way. He removed the chicken and sautéd the onion, bell pepper, and celery in the pot. He added the other ingredients and seasonings and mixed them accordingly. He added rice and chicken broth into the pot, he covered it with a lid.

"Well my dear, all we do now is wait for a bit. The rice must cook of course and then we will add that shrimp in." Angel nodded, he was still staring. Alastor began humming along to the jazz music that had switched from a mellow jazz song to a one upbeat and filled with energy. Angel laughed, leaning against the counter.

"I rememba' this song when I was alive." Alastor looked over with a happy smile and walked to the spider, he held out his hand in a formal fashion with a slight bow.

"May I have this dance, Ma Chérie?" Angel laughed as his fur flushed a more vibrant pink, he smiled happily as he took his hand. Alastor and he danced around the kitchen in step with the music. They spun around and started laughing when they both got too dizzy to continue. They kept dancing until Al smelled the rice slightly burning. He walked to the pot, leaving a giggling mess of an Angel that he got to call his...

He couldn't help but wonder how he could be so lucky.

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