Radiodust Week - Day Three

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[Honestly, just go follow @GamingTiger15 at this point]

Alastor had just arrived back from running a few errands for the Hotel. Things had been going well, he wouldn't say well...but seeing the poor princess of hell struggle was entertaining. The arachnid he now knew as Angel Dust had also been trying to get better which was entertaining in of itself. The redhead walked over to the kitchen motioning his hand downward, commanding the bags of groceries to seat themselves on the counter. Considering he was the only one in this establishment who knew how to cook he had been preparing dinner and breakfast daily. He was about to begin preparing tonight's dinner but that had been cut short when the panicked call of his name carried through the halls.

"Alastor!" The demon sighed, he glanced over his shoulder seeing Charlie accompanied by her moth girlfriend running into the room. Charlie looked worried and distressed beyond belief and even Vaggie looked a bit concerned...overall both girls looked worn out and well, their hair was messy and clothes wrinkled. Truth be told it looked as if they had just gotten out of a fight. Alastor paid little mind to this but did find it entertaining. His grin widened slightly as if laughing silently

"Well my dears, what seems to be the trouble?" Alastor asked, putting the groceries on hold as he folded his arms behind his back in the usual way he did. Before Charlie could get a word out Vaggie's frustration seemed to boil out.

"It's Angel dust! He's acting crazy!" She was fuming, clearly, she was holding back every nerve in her body to not stomp back up there and skew the spider. Alastor raised a brow, he wasn't quite sure what they meant by that but he assumed that perhaps Angel was going through another withdrawal episode as he had been as of late. Although...they hadn't been that bad lately as Angel was beginning to get better with laying off the drugs and only taking a little when his cravings got too bad for anyone to handle.

"Vaggie, please calm down.." Charlie pleaded, she sounded as tired as she looked. Before Alastor could question this any future his eyes caught sight of Nifty and surprisingly Husk retreating from down the stairs, they looked just as tired and roughed up as Charlie and Vaggie. Nifty looked sad, and Husk was just as irritated as Vaggie.

"He won't fucking listen! I'm not getting my wing ripped off over this shit!" Husk yelled marching off towards the bar to likely drink away whatever it was he just experienced. With each complaint, this was only making Alastor more curious by the second. But as entertaining as this carious was he would never be able to get anything done with it and that would just be annoying in the long run.

"Now now, calm down everyone." Alastor finally said turning his gaze on the defeated looking Charlie. "Charlie my dear, please do tell me what is happening so I may assess the situation properly." The princess looked relieved that Alastor was considering helping them, he assumed she was going to ask for his help anyway.

"Angel got back an hour ago but he was covered in bruises...his fur was all red and he was muttering things under his breath. I-I tried to talk to him and calm him down but he just started yelling things and throwing stuff and he...he got aggressive." Charlie explained, frantically.

"Yeah and he's been a dick to anyone who tries going into his room and talking to him." Vaggie said, in a tempered growl.

Alastor hummed lowly, normally Angel would have tired himself out by now especially if it was a withdrawal episode. With the mention of red fur and bruises, Alastor suspected something else. Alastor jolted suddenly when Charlie grabbed his arm and he resisted the urge to pull back but rather just dealt with it.

"Alastor please try to talk to him! He won't listen to any of us!" Alastor grabbed Charlie's wrist politely removing her hand from his arm before taking a step back.

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