The full backstory

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(Your POV)
I walked around the town in the shadows, the marines were still all around meaning I had to be quite, I walked into a small bar with Kuma. " What can I get you ma'am?" The bartender asked. " Some sake please" I answered. A chuckle made a sinister smirk appear on my face. " It's nice to see you again y/n" " You too Blackbeard" I replied turning my gaze towards the man.
The girl ran across the street being chased by Marines, she and her stuffed animals were covered with blood, but most of it wasn't theirs. She ended up bumping into a large man " Sorry!" She bowed before trying to leave again but was stopped when her wrist was pulled. " What's the rush little lady?" The man smiled at her genuinely lowering down to her level. " I need to get back to the docks." She smiled at the man who seemed to be kind. " You need to get to your crew?" Another asked following the kind gestures. " No, I don't have a crew. I travel alone" she said pulling her hand away. " Would you like to go on our ship for a while? Maybe just for a party?" He smiled. It was so genuine and bright the girl couldn't resist. " Sure." She smiled walking with the men to their ship.
After a while they all had a fun time, the juicy fruits sparkles and with every bite they got better. The meat was cooked perfectly as the chef was experienced. They had various amount of alcohol that made the men drowsy. The little girl eventually felt at home with the men and ended up joining their crew. The adventures were fun and they didn't seem venomous at all. " You're power isn't very good for close range attacks" One of the men said while playing with y/n's hair. " I know, it's a bummer." She sighed. " Why don't we teach no you how to use a knife?" He suggested and the girl immediately jumped at him hugging him. " Thank you thank you!" The two laughed and then got down to training.
*Few weeks later*
" Another one bites the dust" the large man chuckled.
" You're super awesome sensei!" The small girl giggled and ran over.
"You're getting the hang of it boss, we do have to get going" a man added to alert the two.
The large man sighed as he walked over to the hyper girl. " Take care of the any inconveniences if they come up, while we head on ahead to the ship." He pet the small girl.
" You can count on me!" She smiled as she walked along side everyone. They all walked back to the ship as the small girl trailed along. Until multiple Marines started chasing them, and as instructed y/n stopped to take care of them. Her little army slaughtering the Marines ruthlessly along with y/n using a knife if anyone got closer to her. While the girl handled all the attacks the men on the ship were having a different discussion.
" We just need to give the Marines a strong pirate with a large bounty. That's the easiest way to prove your worth Captain." The pale male stated.
" How about the straw hat kid? He's gaining momentum. The Marines see him as a potential threat moving on. " Another added.
" That would be logical. We'll see what we can do. For now let's head for straw hat." The large man in charge added. A few fumbles and attacks were heard as all the men returned to the deck. The small girl having an army of stuffed animals fighting for her. The girl turned to her nakama with a bright smile standing before all the bloody Marines.
" Don't get too excited now y/n, were leaving" the Captain ordered as the girl jumped onto the ship with only one bear in hand. She looked back at all her warriors, with a blink of an eye all of them became life less.
"We're leaving" "Aye Captain! " the whole crew cheered. They set a course and sailed away. The times with these men were amazing to the new comer, they didn't treat her like that. They treated her like a family and she felt the same about them. She was ready to die for them.
*two days later at 8 am*
"Where are we heading off too next?"
"Alabasta seems like a good spot to go too, I've heard of many useful items we could acquire there."
" Sounds like that's our next destination. Don't you agree Teach?"
The chuckling of the man was extremely loud and annoying. " Sounds like a plan. Where is Y/n?" He asked looking back at his men.
" She's asleep in her room, should we wake her up?"
" No need. I was just curious." He face has a wicked smirk plastered on it as he walked off leaving his crew on the deck speculating as to what he has planned.  The crew seemed a little timid after this, 'seemed' a while later  they started laughing. While the girl slept in her room she held onto her teddy bear, she was cuddled up and comfortable that she didn't notice a few figures walking into the room. The captain and his first mate packed a small backpack and lightly picked up the girl.
*thirty minutes later*
"Ahh!" The small scream of the girl was heard along with many wicked giggles laughs and chuckles. She was betrayed. She was on a small raft boat with her blanket, teddy bear and a backpack along with the clothes she was wearing. They sailed away from her far enough so she couldn't reach them in time, but they made sure to stay close enough to laugh at her pathetic and naive self. " So long doll!" One of the men yelled grabbing a drink. "T-this isn't funny guys, take me back" she tried to smile through her stuttering. " We don't need you anymore, you're no longer  a part of this crew . " the captain looked down at the desperate girl, he threw her a last laugh before sailing away. The humiliated girl was all alone. She was betrayed and abandoned. After what seemed like ages she finally made it to a small island, where she made a home and swore she wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Word count: 1060

Authors note: I wanted to keep the backstory a secret and reveal it in sections, but for what I have planned you need to keep the backstory in mind. It's going to be an important part and without it you won't understand much of the next part. Other wise I hope you're enjoying the story! - Gigi

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