Jungle adventure

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Marco and Ace arrived at the small island, it was standard looking nothing out of the ordinary, but judging from the look in Marcos face it was important. How could such a insignificant island be so important to him?

The docked at the small shore line and gathered all their things. " Take everything with us, we need to start heading for the village" Marco announced.
" Is this where we'll stay?" Ace questioned. The island didn't seem too hidden nor full of any life. L No, a temporary stop. We're running low and supplies, so I thought it would be better to stop for a while." Marco explained and continued gathering their supplies.

Marco and Ace has taken a small boat and separated from the rest of the crew. They would eventually meet up, but Marco needed to take care of a few things somewhere else. Taking Ace along was a casualty Marco wanted to help Ace get his memories back.

Ace and Marco gathered all of their things and headed to the jungle . The island seemed abandoned and extremely over grown with greenery. Marco was in the lead and he swore he knew what he was doing, but Ace wasn't so convinced. There was absolutely nothing, no village in sight.

" You sure this island has a village?" " It should" Marco answered. They kept on walking and walking getting through all of the vines, but still there was nothing. " I'm convinced there's absolutely nothing here, let's go back and try the next island." " We can't. We don't have enough of really anything to last us more than a day."

They decided to give up on the village idea seeing as there really was absolutely nothing there. They cleared out and area and set up a camp. " Stay here. I'll go get some food and find some water" With that Marco left Ace.

It wasn't too bad in the beginning, the place was interesting. It has a lot of bright flowers but mainly vines and some seemed oddly placed. He shrugged at the idea of an 'oddly placed vine' vines just grow they don't get placed. He laid back on the grass and tilted his hat down. It was peaceful and quite.

There was a massive increase in weight all of the sudden. Ace barely managed to tilt his hat out to his face. And to his surprise there were people around him. Mostly males all around but three were the main sources of the weight. Three women. One wrapped herself around his neck trapping his head in place, the next was sitting on him supporting herself with her arms on his chest and the last was wrapped around his legs.

" Who are you?" The one in front asked in a demanding tone." Depends on who's asking." Ace answered. Marco had told him something about pirates and how to deal with them until Ace regained his memory. " Tch. Useless" she added before reaching into her pocket. Ace wasn't going to take any chances they all had weapons and clearly hostile intentions. Where did they even come from? He activated his deal fruit and immediately the women jumped back. Groaning from the burns glaring daggers at him.

" Only one Raven hair I know of can do that" the main girl spoke up. " Portgas, but he's dead.." she mumbled. " None the less kill him. If he is actually fire fist he deserves to die."she stud up and backed away after her command. And smart she was when all the men charged at Ace.

Ace barely scrambled to his feet to be able to escape. He dashed through the thick jungle. Some men shot arrows from a far while others just chased him with blood lust as their intention.

"Are you kidding me?!?" He screamed while being chased by a few pirates. What the hell did he do? Was he that bad of a human being that these pirates were so blood thirsty. Was he really that big of an enemy to them?

Word count: 669

A/n: again I apologize for the late update I'll try to get these out faster. I'm considering re writing a few chapters. I was reading my story back and realized that I either didn't have a nice layout, had grammatical mistakes, or contradicted myself. For now though I hope you enjoyed this chapter. -Gigi

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